He ber of the Georgia state legislature. was four times in command of troops to suppress riots; and was a member of the evacuation commission for Porto Kico. Has been president of the Savannah cotton exchange. During the Spanish-American war he attained the rank of brigadier-general of volunteers.
Gordon-Davis, Alfred Burwell, lawyer, author, was born Dec. 29, 1872, in Philadelphia, Pa. In 1896 he was admitted to the practice of law; and is now practicing He is the author of at Philadelphia, Fa. Pen Scratches; Trusia; and other works. Gordy, John Pancoast, educator, author, was born in 1851 in Maryland. In 18961901 he was professor of education at the Ohio state university; in 1901 he accepted the professorship of the history of educaHe was tion in the New York university. the author of The Growth and Development of the Normal School Idea in the United on Psychology; and States; Text-book History of Political Parties in the United States, in four volumes. He died Dec. 31, 1908, in
New York
Gordy, Wilbur Fisk, educator, author, was born June 14, 1854, near Salisbury, Md.
is supervising principal of public schools at Hartford, Conn. He is the author of School History of the United States; and American Leaders and Heroes.
Gore, Christopher, lawyer, governor, United States senator, was bom in 1758 in Boston, Mass. In 1789 he was appointed district attorney for the district of MassachuHe was the eighth governor of setts. Massachusetts in 1809-10; and in 1813-17 was United States senator. He died March 1, 1837, in Waltham, Mass.
James Howard, educator, scientist, was born Sept. 18, 1856, in Virginia. In 1874-77 he attended Richmond college Gore, author,
1878 the
degree of B.S. from the Columbian university; and studied in Berlin, Brussels and Leyden and received the degree of Ph.D.
He has been gate to
international ses;
times general
to the foreign exposi-
and has been decorated fourteen times by sovereigns for scientific achievetions;
ments and interest
in international aifalrs.
is the author of Geodesy; Elements of Geodesy; Bibliography of Geodesy; Manual of Geography, a series of textbooks in Mathematics and annotated a number of
German works
for college studies.
Gore, David, farmer, soldier, state senator, was born April 5, 1827, in Kentucky.
settled in Illinois in 1833. He served in the Mexican war in 1847. For four years he was postmaster of Plainview, 111.; was justice of the peace for four years; and president of the state board of agriculture for twenty years, and its president for two years. In 1884-88 he was state senator; and in 1892-96 was auditor of state at Springfield, 111. He was chairman of the in 1893-97; state board of equalization and at the same time was a trustee of the
state university.
Gore, Thomas Pryor, statesman. United States senator, was born De.c. 10, 1870, in AYebster county, Jiiss. He graduated from the normal school at Walthall, Miss.; and received the degree of CumberB.L. from land university. During 1890-91 taught he school;
was admitted to the practice
law. He to tuc
was nominated
state legislature, but did not serve. In 1892 he began the practice of law in Mississippi; and in 1895 moved to Texas. In 1896 he was a delegate to the national populist convention at St. Louis, Mo. In 1901 he moved to Oklahoma; and in 1902-05 was a member of the territorial council. In 1907 he was elected a member of the United States senate and drew the short term ending in 1909. He was re-elected for the term ending in 19] 5.
Gorgas, Ferdinand
J. S., dentist, author, 27, 1835, in Winchester, Va. professor in the college of dental surgery of Baltimore since 1860. He is the author of Lectures on Dental Science and Therapeutics; Dental Materia Medica; The Dental Medicine; Principles and Practice of Dentistry; Medical and Dental Dictionary; and Questions and Answers for Dental Students.
was born July
He has been
Gorgas, Josiah, soldier, college president,
was born July 1, 1818, in Dauphin county, Tenn. He was placed at the head of the confederate ordnance department with the
rank of brigadier-general.
He was made
president of the university of Alabama in ]S7S. He died May 15, 1883, in Tuscaloosa, Ala.
Gorham, Benjamin, lawyer, congressman,
was born Feb.
13, 1775,' in Charlestown, Mass. In 1821:23, 1825-31, and 1833-35 he was a representative from Massachusetts to the sixteenth, seventeenth, twentieth, twenty-first and twenty-third congresses. He died Sept. 27, 1855, in Boston, Mass.
Gorham, Frederic Poole, educator, bacteriologist,
was born April
in Providence, R.I,
29, 1871, Since 1893 he has been