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HBRRINGSHAWS LIBRARY OP AMERICAN BIOGRAPHY. York City. From 1865 he was in the active practice of his profession. In 1879-86 he was division engineer of the new croton aqueduct of New York City. He built the wate~works of Scranton, Pa.; and in 1890-94 built the waterworks of Havana, Cuba. He was the author of Elements of

Water Supply Engineering; and Arithmetic of the Steam Engine. He died in 1905. Gould, Edward Sherman, merchant, author, was born May 11, 1808, in Litchfield, Conn. He was the author of The Sleep Rider; The Very Age, a comedy; John Doe and Richard Roe, a tale of New York life; Classified Elocution; and Good English. He died Feb. 21, 1885, in New York City. Gould, Edwin, business president, capitalphilanthropist, was born Feb. 35, 1866, in New York City. He has been captain and inspector of rifle practice In the seventy-first regiment of the New York national He is president of the Bowling guard. Green trust company of New York City; president of the seventh national bank of New York City; and president of the WestHe en, Richhill and other coal companies. is a director in a, score of the leading corporations of America; and resides in Irvingist,

ton-on-Hudson, N.Y. Gould, Edwin Bruce, lawyer, government claim agent, was born Jan. 24, 1839, in Hillsboro, N.H. He received his education at the Francestown academy and at the Appleton academy of Mount Vernon, N.H. For many years he was town clerk of Pembroke; and is now a prominent lawyer of He is government claim Nashua, N.H. agent; and has filled many prominent public positions of trust in the gift of hia

county and state. Gould, Elgin Kalston

Lovell, educator, philanthropist, author, was bom Aug. 15, In 1895-96 he was pro1860, in Canada. He fessor at the university of Chicago. retired from academic pursuits to become president of the city and suburban homes company, an enterprise designed to improve the living environment of New York wage earners and at the same time provide re-

munerative commercial investment. He is the author of Housing of Working People; Popvilar Control of the Liquor Traffic; The Gothenburg System of Liquor Traffic; and The Social Condition of Labor. Gould, Elizabeth Lincoln, dramatist, auShe is a thor, was born in Boston, Mass. weekly contributor to the Youth's Companion of Boston, Mass. She is the author of Little Polly Prentiss; and other works. Gould, Elizabeth Porter, author, poet. She is the author of Stray Pebbles^ from Shores of Thought, a volume of poems; Gilchrist and Walt Whitman; The Brownings and America; and other works. She has been president of several woman's



Gould, Emily Bliss, founder, philanthrowas born about 1825. She was the



wife of Dr. Gould, physician to the American legation. She founded the American

Rome; and assisted in establishing those of Florence. She died Aug. 31, 1875, in Italy. Gould, Ezra Palmer, clergyman, author, was born in 1844 in Massachusetts. He was an episcopal clergyman; and professor of New Testament literature in the Philadelphia episcopal divinity school in 1889-98, He was the author of Commentary on Corinthians; Notes on the Lessons of 1885; Commentary on St. Mark; and Biblical Theology on the New Testament. He died in 1900 in Brooklyn, N.Y. Gould, Frank Jay, railroad president, capitalist, was born Dec. 4, 1878, in New York City. In 1897 he entered railway service as assistant to the president of the Missouri Pacific railway; and is now first vicepresident of that corporation. Gould, George, lawyer, jurist, was bom Sept. 2, 1807, in Litchfield, Conn; In 1852 he was mayor of Troy, .N.Y.; and in 185563 was judge of the supreme court of the state of New York. He died Dec. 6, 1868, in Troy, N.Y. Gould, George Jay, railroad president, capitalist, was born Feb. 6, 1864, in New York City. Since 1893 he has been president of the Missouri Pacific railway; and of the St. Louis, iron mountain and southSince 1892 he has also been ern railroad. president of the Manhattan elevated railschools in





Gould, George Milbry, soldier, physician, ophthalmologist, author, was born Nov. 8, In 1861 he ac1848, in Auburn, Maine. companied the sixtythird regiment Ohio volunteers to the front as a drummer boy; two years later was discharged for disa-

and in 1865 again enlisted in the one hundred and forty-first regiment Ohio volunteer infantry, with which he served until the close of the civil war. Since 1888 he has practiced medicine in Philadelphia, Pa., making a specialty of diseases of the eye. In 1892-94 he was ophthalmologist to the Philadelphia hospital; in 1891-95 was editor of the iledical News; and in 18981900 was editor of the Philadelphia Medical Journal; and since 1900 has been editor In 1893-94 he was of American Medicine. bility;

president of the American academy of medicine. He is the author of a series of MedDictionaries; Diseases of the Eye; ical Suggestions to Medical Writers; Biographic Clinics; The Meaning and Method of Life; Borderland Studies; An Autumn Singer;

Anomalies and Curiosities of Medicine; American Year-Book of Medicine and Sur-