HERRINGSHAW'S LIBRARY OF AMERICAN BIOGRAPHY. John T., railroad builder, state was born Dee. 13, 1813, near GrantGa. He became a railroad builder in
Grant, Robert, lawyer, jurist, author, was
Grant, senator, ville,
born Jan. 24, 1852, in Boston, Mass. From 1893 he has been judge of probate and in-
Georgia, Alabama, Tennessee, Mississippi, Louisiana and Texas. In 1856 he was elected state senator from Walton county, Ga. became colonel on the
- S|Pf
solvency for SuflEolk county, Mass. He has written several satiriworks, including cal
Tin Gods
on Wheels; The
Governor How-
Lamba; Yankee Doodle; and the juvenile
Cobb and built the handsomest residence
tales. Jack Hall; Jack in the Bush. In fiction
he has published Confessions of a Frivolous
staff of ell
was a
lover of art, music and literature;
and was both a composer and performer on flute and violin. He died Jan. 18, 1887, in Atlanta, Ga. Grant, Julia Dent, wife of President Grant, was born Jan. 36, 1826, in St. Louis, Mo. When America called Grant to the presidential chair, she stood with dignity at his side; and commanded the respect of all who beheld her. This respect has been enchanced by her continued dignity through the trials and suflferinga of Grant's last days. She died Dec. 14, 1902j in Washington, D.C. Grant, LeRoy, merchant, ranchman, public official, statesman, was bom Sept. 7, 1847, in the state of New York. He was educated in the public and private schools of Whitesboro, N.Y. He moved west and became a successful merchant and ranchman of Wyoming; and has filled various positions of trust and honor. Since 1903 he has been state auditor and insurance commissioner of the state of Wyoming; and is now serving his third term of 1907-09. Grant, Lewis Addison, soldier, lawyer, was born Jan. 17, 1829, in Bennington county, Vt. He served throughout the civil war; and in 1864 became brigadier-general of volunteers. In 1890-93 he was assistant secretary of war. He now practices law in Minneapolis,
The Carletons
colonel. eral years he gaged in the
business ; and subsequently built a tannery in Caineron county, Pa., buying the bark on a ten thousand-acre tract. In 1873 he established the Farmers' and me-
bank of Fort Madison, Iowa; and 1876 returned to New York and founded the National exchange bank of Clayton, N. Y., with which he is still connected. He is president of the Watertown produce exchange; and is president of the State dairy board of trade. Grant, Ulysses Sherman, geologist, author, was born Feb. 14, 1867, in Moline, 111. Since 1899 he has been professor of geology and curator of the museum in the Northwfeatern university of Evanaton, 111. He is the author of Preliminary Report on the Copper -bearing Rocks of Douglas County, Wis; and other works. Grant, William W., soldier, surgeon, was born Nov. 15, 1846, in Ruaaell county, Ala. He enliated in the civil war; and served for eighteen months. In 1872-89 he practiced medicine in Davenport, La. In 1885-88 he was post-surgeon at the Rock Island arsechanics' in
Giant, Madison, lawyer, author, was born Nov. 18, 1865, in New York City. In 1869 he was admitted to the practice of law and is now an attorney of New York City. He is the author of The Rocky Mountain Goat; and other works. Grant, Percy Stickney, clergyman, author, poet, was born May 13, 1860, in Boston, Mass. In 1883 he graduated from Harvard university; and in 1886 graduated from the Episcopal theological school at Cambridge. In 1887-90 he was assistant rector of the church of the ascension at Fall River, Mass.; and in 1890-93 was rector at Swansea,Mass. and since 1893 has been rector of the church
of the ascension at New York City. He is the author of Ad Matrem and Other Poems;
and numerous Monographs. Grant, William Daniel, capitalist, was bom Aug. 16, 1837, in Athena, Ga. He is the largest owner of Atlanta real estate; and one of the wealthiest men of Georgia.
Girl ;
Mrs. Harold Stagg; An Average Man; The EJiave of Hearts; A Romantic Young Lady; Face to Face; The Bachelor's Christmas, and Other Stories; The Opinions of a Philosopher; The Reflections of a Married Man; The Unleavened Bread; The Undercurrent; and The Orchid; Other works of his are The Art of Living; The Oldest School in America; and SearchLight Letters. Grant, Robert Parks, soldier, manufacturer, banker, was born May 6, 1844, in Neversink, N.Y. In 1863 he recruited company C, n i n e t y-second regiment New York national guard; became captain and drillmaster; and in 1865 be-
Grantland, Seaton, congressman, was born he was a representa-
in Virginia. In 1835-39