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veston, Harrisburg





road from El Paso to San Antonio, Texas. Ag an active engineer he has covered a period of over forty-six years of continuous duty.



chant, author,

Seaman, clergyman, merwas horn in 1835 in New

He was a, presbyterian clergyman; and after retiring from the ministry engagYork.

ed in business in Cincinnati. He was the author of Eight Studies of the Lord's Day.


died in ISSfi in Cincinnati, Ohio.

Gray, George Zabriskie, educator, clergyman, author, was born July 14, 1838, in

New York gyman


City. He was an episcopal clerCambridge; and dean of the theo-

logical school in 1876-89. He was the author of The Scripture Doctrine of Recogni-

tion; The Children's Crusade: An Episode of the Thirteenth Century; Husband and Wife; and The Church's Certain Faith. He died Aug. 5, 1889, in Sharon Springs, N.Y.

Gray, Henry David, educator, author, was born Nov. 6, 1873, in Plainfield, N.J. Since 1906 he has been an assistant professor of English at the Leland Stanford university. He is the author pf Hannibal, a Tragedy; Emerson as a. Thinker; and also edited Carlyle's Heroes and Hero Worship. Gray, Henry Peters, painter, artist, was born June 23, 1819, in New York City. During the latter part of his life he devoted Among his his time to portrait painting. Charity; paintings are Cleopatra; The Birth of Our Flag; and Twilight Musings. He died Nov. 12, 1877, in New York City.

Gray, Hiram, lawyer, jurist, congressman, 10, 1802, in Salem, N.Y. In 1837-39 he was a representative from New York to the twenty-fifth congress; in 1846 was judge of the sixth judicial district; and in 1847-60 was one of the justices of

was born April

the supreme court. He died May 6, 1890, in Elmira, N.Y. Gray, Horace, associate justice of the supreme court of the United States, was born March 24, 1828, in Boston, Mass. He was

graduated from Harvard college in the class of 1845 and from the

Harvard law





was admitted to the bar in 1851; and was reporter of the supreme judicial court of Massachusetts in 1854-61. He was associate justice of the supreme court of Mas-

sachusetts in 1864-73;

and in 1873-82 was chief justice. He was an associate justice of the supreme court of the United States in 1881-1902. He died Sept. 15, 1902, in Nahant, Mass. Gray, Isaac Pusey, soldier, lawyer, state senator, governor, was bom Oct. 18, 1828,

in Chester county, Va. In 1862 he was appointed colonel of the fourth Indiana cavalry; and in 1864 raised the one hundred and forty-seventh regiment of Indiana infantry. In 1868 he was elected a state senaIn 1876 he was elected lieutenanttor. governor of Indiana; acting governor in

1880-81; and in 1885-89 was the eighteenth governor of Indiana. He died Feb. 14, 1895, in Mexico. Gray, James, clergyman, author, was born Dec. 25, 1770, in Ireland. In 1803 he became pastor of an associated reformed church in Philadelphia, Pa. He was the author of Mediatorial Reign of the Son of God; Dissertation on the Priesthood of Jesus Christ; and Sermons. He died Sept. 20, 1824, in Gettysburg, Pa.

Gray, James J., lawyer, jurist, was born Nov. 23, 1861, in Chicago, 111. He was educated in the public schools of Chicago,


and subsequently graduated from the Kent

He learned the printing college of law. trade; and in 1893-95 was deputy probate In 1895-97 he was deputy circuit was assigned to Judge Tuley's court; and became the judge's- minute clerk and clerk.


In 1896 he began the praclaw in Chicago, 111.; in 1897 became northtown assessor; and in 1898 was elected a member of the Cook county board of assessors, which position he filled until record writer. tice


He has 1904, being president in 1903-04. a large law practice; is a member of the leading bar associations; and is prominently identified with the business and political affairs of his city and state. Gray, James M., clergyman, theologian, lecturer, was born in 1851 City. For fifteen years he


New York


rector of the First reformed episcopal church of Boston, Mass. He occupies the chair of lectures on the English bible in the reformed episcopal seminary of Philadelphia. He is the author of a series of lectures on How to Master the Bible; History of the Holy Dead; and the Bulwarks of the Faith.




was born Jan.


1764, in Fairfax Courthouse, Va. He entered the continental army; and served throughout the entire war. He was reputed to be the last survivor of the American revolution. He died March 29, 1868, in Hiramsburg, Ohio.

Gray, John C, congressman, was bom in Southampton county, Va. In 1819-21 he was a representative from Virginia to the sixteenth congress died in Virginia.

Gray, author,



a vacancy.


John Chipman, educator, lawyer,

was born July

ton, Mass.



14, 1839, in Brigha lawyer of Boston; and

Royall professor of law at Harvard university since 1883. He is the author of Restraints on the Alienation of Property; Rule Against Perpetuities, and Select Cases.