HERRINGSHAWS LIBRARY OP AMERICAN BIOGRAPHY. versity since 1873. He was the author of a series of classical text-books; Special Vocabulary to Virgil; and The Queen of Hearts, a Dramatic Fantasia. He died Sept. 11, 1901, in Cambridge, Mass.
Ashley Bates,
writer, author, was born Feb. 24, 1835, in Westfleld, Mass. In 1860 she married James C. Greenough, LL.D. She is the author of At Dawn of Day; Year of Beautiful
and Plain Talks Things, for Children.
Greenough, Richard Saltonstall, sculptor, bom April 27, 1819, in Jamaica Plains, Mass. Among his works are a statue of Franklin, placed in the city hall square of Boston; the Boy and Eagle, owned by the Boston athenaeum; a Carthagenian Woman; Cupid on a Tortoise; Elaine; Qrce; and a Psyche. Greenough, Mrs. Sarah Dana, sculptor, author, poet, was born Feb. 19, 1827, in Boston, Mass. She was the author of In Extremis, a Story of a Broken Law; Arabesques, four stories of the supernatural; and Mary Magdalene, and Other Poems. She died Aug. 9, 1885, in Austria.
Greenslet, Ferris, journalist, author,
born June 30, 1875, in Glens Falls, N.Y. In 1902-07 he was associate editor of the Atlantic Monthly. He is the author of Joseph Gavill, a Study in English Thought and Letters of the Seventeenth Century; The Quest of the Holy Grail; Walter Pater;
and Life of Lowell.
man, governor, was
1750 in Virginia. He was the third governor of Kentucky in 1904-08. He was a patriot of the
American revolution;
and participated
the perils of the war. He was at various times a member of the legislature of Kentucky; and in 1791-97 he was a representative from Kentucky to the second, third and fourth congresses; and was a presidential elector in 1809. He died April 24, 1818, in Frankfort, Ky. Greenwaia, Emanuel, clergyman, theologian, author, was bora Jan. 13, 1811, near Frederick, Md. In 1867-85 he was pastor of the Trinity Lutheran church of I^ncaster, Pa.; and in 1873-77 was president of the ministerium of Pennsylvania, the oldest Lutheran synod in America. He was the author of Order of Family Prayer; The
Lutheran Reformation; The Baptism of
dren; Meditations for Passion Week; Romanism and the Reformation; The True Church; and Meditations for the Closet. He died Dec. 21, 1885, in Lancaster, Pa.
Greenwood, Alfred B., lawyer, jurist, congressman, was born July 11, 1811, in Franklin county, Ga. He was a member of the Arkansas state legislature in 1842-45; was
prosecuting attorney for said state in 184551; and circuit judge in 1851-53. In 1853-59 he was a representative from Arkansas to the thirty-third, thirty-fourth and thirty-
fifth congresses:
in 1859
commissioner of Indian
was appointed He was a
representative from Arkansas to the confederate congress. He died in Arkansas.
Greenwood, Elisha, lawyer, author, was born in 1863 in Massachusetts. He is the author of Law of Contracts; and Constitu-
Law. Greenwood, Francis William Pitt, clergyman, author, was born Feb. 5, 1797, in Boston, Mass. He was pastor of King's chapel of Boston in 1824-43. A portrait of him is in the memorial hall of Harvard university; and his marble bust is in King's chapel. He was the author of History of King's Chapel; tional
Sermons to Children; Sermons of ConsolaSermons on Various Subjects; Essays; Lives of the Apostles; and Miscellaneous Writings. He died on Aug. 2, 1843, in Dortion;
chester, Mass.
Greenwood, Isaac, mathematician, was born May 7, 1702. In 1728-38 he filled the chair of mathematics and natural philosophy in Harvard university. He was the author of an arithmetic. He died Oct. 22, 1745, in Charleston, Mass. Greenwood, Isaac J., genealogist, author. He has been a prolific writer on history and genealogy in the New England Historical and Genealogical Register; and in the New York Genealogical and Biographical Record. He is the author of The Circus, Its Origin
and Growth Prior to 1835; Greenwood Colonial and Revolutionary Services; and The Life of Captain John Manley, of the revolutionary navy.
Greenwood, James M., educator, author, was born Nov. 15, 1836, near Springfield, He is an educator and school superin111. tendent of Kansas City since 1874. He is the author of Principles of Education Practically Applied. Greenwood, John, lawyer, jurist, was bom Nov. 6, 1798, in Providence, R.I. On the formation of the government of New York City he was elected city judge; and in 1842 was appointed first judge of Kings county court. He died in New York City.
Greenwood, Miles, manufacturer, was born 19, 1807, in Jersey City, N.J. He organized the first paid fire department in Cincinnati in 1852; and in the same year aided in introducing into that city the first steam fire engine in the United States. He
died Nov.
1885, in Cincinnati, Ohio.
Geer, Curtis Manning, educator, clergyman, author, was bom Aug. 11, 1864, in Hadlyme, Conn. He has filled pastorates in
East Winsor, Conn.; and in Danvers, Mass. Since 1906 he has been professor of history at the Hartford theological seminary. He is the author of The Louisiana Purchase and the
Westward Movement.
Hummell, clergyman, author, was bom March 20, 1844, in Wheeling, W. Greer, David
Va. of
a prominent episcopal clergyman City, of broad church views;
New York