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Jewell college of Liberty, Mo. He is secretary and treasurer of the Missouri bapHe has traveled in tist historical society. Europe; and in 1899-1900 pursued his studHe is the author ies in Berlin university. of A Treatise on the Kise and Development the



Grifath, David, clergyman, bishop, was bom in 1743 in New York City. At the second Virginia convention of his church in He died Aug. 1786, he was chosen bishop. 3, 1789, in Philadelphia, Pa.






senator, congressman, was born Aug. 21, 1849, in Switzerland county, Ind. In 188694 he was a member of the Indiana state In 1899-1905 he was a representasenate. tive from Indiana to the fifty-sixth and fifty-seventh and fifty-eighth congresses as

a democrat. Griffith,


Carlos, journalist, librar-

theatrical manager, author, was born Dee. 30, 1857, in Dixfield, Maine. He was educated in the pubof Maine lic schools ian,

and Boston, Mass. He is

a successful theat-




1880-90 was




Since 1898 he has pracCity; in 18991904 he was surgeon to the Bellevue dispensary; and in 1904-05 was public lecturer on practical surgery under direction of the New York City board of education. In 1897- S8 he was acting assistant surgeon to the third regiment infantry of the Pennsylvania national guard. He has invented and produced published descriptions of forty-five surgical and sanitary appliances and He is the author of Handbook of devices. Surger}-; Stoney's Bacteriology and Surgical Technic for Nurses; and over one hundred Euil fifty published articles in medical and scipntifie periodicals upon surgical, sanof Pennsylvania. ticed surgery in

New York

and economic subjects. Goldborough Sappington, philanthropist, was born Nov. 4, 1814, in Havrede-Grace, Md. In 1866 he was elected president of the Maryland union commission; and contribxited largely to the erection of the voung men's christian association builditary, fcientific Griffith,

ing in Baltimore, Md. J.

graduated from medical department with the degree In 1887 he of Ph.D. 1881



tain; in 1892 was the manager for Margaret

was an instructor

George Bancroft, journalist, auwas born Feb. 28, 1841, in NewHe was educated in the buryport, ilass. Griffith,

public schools of New England. As the editor and author of The Poets of Maine, and The Poets of Massachusetts, he has become well known. He has written succinct biographies of many prominent men of the





is the author of a volume of poems en-

titled Pleasant Places


Nature and Life; and other works.

Griffith, Frederic Richardson, surgeon, inventor, author, was born Sept. 17, 1873, in Philadelphia, Pa. In 1897 he graduated with the degree of M.D. from the university


medicine a t the university o f Pennsylvania. In 1889 he was visiting physiclinical

Mather; and since 1897 has been acting manager for Minnie Maddern Fiske. He was the organizer and librarian of the Poland Spring library; and for twelve years was director of the Poland

thor, poet,

died in Baltimore.


Langtry in the United States and Great Bri-

Spring art exhibition in Maine. He is editor-in-chief of Hilltop. He is the author of Maine's Hall of Fame; also The Man from Maine; and several stories and plays.


Crozer, physician, author, was born Jan. 5, 1856, in Philadelphia, Pa. He graduated from the university of Pennsylvania with the degree of A.B. ; and in Griffith,

cian to St.

Agnes hos-

pital and to Howard hospital. In 1891 he

was professor of clinical medicine at the Philadelphia polyclinic; and for many years was clinical professor of the diseases of children at the university of Pennsylvania. Since 1896 he has been consulting physician to the woman's hospital; and also consulting physician to the St. Christopher's hospital for children. He is the author of The Care of the Baby; and has edited several works. Griffith, Jefferson Davis,


was born Feb.


surgeon, obstetri1850, in Jackson,

In 1871 he graduated from the meddepartment of the university of New York. For many years he was dean of the Miss. ical

Kansas City medical college. In 1898 he was major and chief surgeon in the United States volunteers; and also served with distinction He has as surgeon-general of Missouri. been president of the medical association of Missouri; and president of the association of military surgeons of the United States. Griffith, Robert Eglesfield, educator, physician, botanist, author, was born Feb. 13, 1798, in Philadelphia. From 1838 he was a medical professor in the university of Vir-