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HBRRINGSHAW'S LIBRARY OF AMERICAN BIOGRAPHY. Gudeman, Alfred, educator, lecturer, auwas born Aug. 36, 1863, in Atlanta, 6a, In 1883 he graduated from Columbia univerthor,

sity; and in 1888 received the degree of Ph.D. from the university of Berlin. In 1890-93 he was professor of Greek and latin at the Johns Hopliins university; in 18931903 filled the same chair in the university of Pennsylvania; and in 1903-04 filled the same chair at Cornell university. He is a noted classical philologist; and resides in Munich, Germany. He is a member of the

association and various other scientific societies. He is the author of History of Classical Philology; Tacitus' Dialogues de Oratoribus; Agricola; Agrioola and Germania; Latin Literature of the Empire, in two volumes; The Sources of Plutarch's Life of Cicero ; and Sallust's Catiline. Gudger, James Madison, lawyer, state senator, congressman, was born in 1855 in Madison county, N.C. He is a successful lawyer of Asheville, N.C; and in 1900-03 was a member of the North Carolina state senate. In 1903-07 he was a representative from North Carolina to the fifty-eighth and fiftyninth congresses as a democrat. Gue, Benjamin F., journalist, legislator, was born Dec. 35, 1838, in Greene county, N.Y. He received his education at the Can-

American philological

andaigua and the East Bloomfield academies. In 1853 he moved to Iowa, settling in Scott county. In 1857 he was elected to the legislature, serving for four years; and in 1861 was elected, to the state senate. He was one of the authors of the act for the establishment of the state agricultural college, and secured its passage. In 1864 he became editor and owner of the Fort Dodge Republican; and in 1865 he was elected lieutenant-governor of the state. In 1873 he moved to Des Moines, and became editor of the Iowa Homestead, and subsequently is owner. In 1873 he was appointed pension agent for Iowa and Nebraska, He has been president of trustees of the Iowa agricultural college; and has been connected with the state historical department He is the author of since its organization. History of Iowa, in four volumes. He died in 1904 in Des Moines, Iowa. Guenther, August Ernest, educator, physiologist, author, was born Jan. 30, 1874, in Sandusky, Ohio. Since 1904 he has been assistant in physiology at the Johns Hopkins university of Baltimore, Md. He is the author of Physiology. Guenther, Francis Luther, soldier, was born Feb. 33, 1838, in Buffalo, N.Y. In 1856 he joined the United States army;

and during his career was brevetted capmajor, lieutenant-colonel and colonel. He was retired in 1903 with the rank of brigadier-general of volunteers and brigadier-general of the United States army. tain,

Guenther, Richard, merchant, pharmacist, diplomat, congressman, was bom Nov. 30, 1845, in Potsdam, Prussia. In 1866-67 he was engaged as a broker of drugs and chemicals in New York City; and in 1867 engaged in business as a pharmacist in Oshkosh. Wis. For several years he was a member of the Oshkosh school board; and in 1878-83 was state treasurer of Wisconsin. In 1881-89 he was a representative from Wisconsin to the forty-seventh, forty-eighth, forty-ninth and fiftieth congresses as a republican. In 1895-99 he was a member of the state board of control of Wisconsin; and was president of the board in 1898-99. In 1890-93 he was consul-general to the City of Mexico; and since 1899 he has been United States consul-general at Frankforton-Main, Germany. Guerber, Helene Adeline, educator, author, in New York. She is the editor of French and German text-books. She is the author of Myths of Greece and Rome; Myths of Northern Lands; Legends of the Middle Ages; Legends of the Rhine; Legends of the Virgin and Christ; Stories of Famous Operas; Story of the Chosen People; Story of the Greeks; Story of the Romans; Story of the English; Story of the Thirteen Colonies; Story of the Great Republic; Legends of Switzerland; Stories of the Wagner Operas; Stories of Popular Operas; The Empresses of France; and oth-

was born




French and German.

Guerin, Claude V., lawyer, lecturer, was born Sept. 8, 1867, in Jersey City, N.J. Ho has attained success as a noted lawyer of New Jersey, and has a large practice in Asbury Park. He is a prominent member of the republican party; a member of the board of education; and belongs to the national guards of New Jersey.

William Estil, lawyer, railroad was born March 28, 1847, in Franklin county, Ohio. In 1883 he became general counsel of the Columbus and eastern railroad company; and in 1894-95 was president of the Columbus, Sandusky and Hocking railway. In 1897-1903 he was president and general counsel of the Seattle and San Francisco railway and navigation company. Guerin,


Guernsey, Alice Margaret, educator, jourwas born April 16, 1850, in Rindge, N.H. In 1873-87 she was engaged in teaching. She has edited a number of works. She is the author of Under Our Flag; Home Mission Readings; and Citizens nalist, author,



Guernsey, Clara Florida, author, was bom in 1836 in New York. She is the author