HERRINGSHAWS LIBRARY OP AMERICAN BIOGRAPHY. Conway, Moncure Daniel, clergyman, lecwas born March 17, 1832, in Stafford county, Va. He was a unitarian clergyman; for many years was in charge of a congregation in London. He was the author of The Rejected Stone; Idols and Ideals; Demonology and Devil Lore; The Wandering. Jew; Sketch of Carlyle; The Earthward Pilgrimage; Sacred Anthology ;' Emerson at Home and Abroad; George Washington and Mount Vernon; Omitted Chapters in Life and Letters of Edmund Randolph; Life of Thomas Paine; Tracts for To-Day; Natural History of the Devil; The Golden Hour; turer, author,
Sacrifices in England; Lessons for the Day; Travels in South Kensington; Necklace
of Stories; Pine and Palm, a novel; Barons of the Potomack and the Rhappahannick and Solomon and Solomoni Literature. He died in 1907 in New York City. Conway, Patrick, musician, band leader, founder, was born July 4, 1865, near Troy,
N.Y. He has been instructor in band music in the Ithaca conservatory; and later in Cornell university. He organized and became leader of the Ithaca band, one of the most famous in the United States. He has filled engagements at the Pan American exposition; and since 1905 at Willow Grove Park of Philadelphia, Pa. Conway, Sarah Crocker, actress, was born in 1834 in Ridgefleld, Conn. She made her debut in Baltimore in 1849, playing Parthenia and other leading parts. In 1864 she leased the new Brooklyn theatre in which for nine years Mrs. Conway played the leading parts. She died in Brooklyn, N.Y. Conway, Thomas, soldier, was born Feb. 27, 1733, in Ireland. He was a brigadier-general in the revolutionary war. He was obnoxious to Washington; and out of Conway's anger against Washington grew the
died 1800.
Conway, William, sailor, was born in 1802 in Camden, Maine. He was a sailor in the United States navy for forty years. He died Nov. 30, 1865, in Brooklyn, N.Y.
Conway, William B., lawyer, jurist. In 1846 he was an associate justice of the supreme court
Conwell, Henry, clergyman, bishop, was bom in 1748 in Ireland. When vicar-general of Armagh he receive notice of his appointment to the see of Philadelphia in 1820; and was consecrated in London. He died in 1842 in Philadelphia, Pa. Conwell, Joseph A., pharmacist, author, was bom April 15, 1855, in Milton, Del. In 1880 he graduated from the Jefferson medical college; and has attained success in business as a pharmacist of Vineland, N.J. He is the author of Medical Therapy; and
Manhood's Morning. Conwell, Russell Herman, clergyman, lecturer, author, was born Feb. 15, 1842, in Worthington, Mass. He was a baptist clergyman of Philadelphia. He is the author of Why the Chinese Emigrate Woman and the
Life of President Hayes; Life of Bayard Taylor; Life of President Garfield; Joshua Giavencola, the Captain of the Vineyards of Lucerna; Acres of Diamonds; and Lives of the Presidents. Cony, Daniel, lawyer, jurist, was born Aug 8, 1752, in Sharon, Mass. His grandfather, Nathaniel, came from England to Massachusetts in the latter part of the seventeenth century and settled in Boston, but in 1728 went to Stoughton. Daniel removed in 1778 to Fort Western settlement now Augusta. He was a representative and state senator in the general court; and was one of the electors that chose Washington president for his second term. He held the office of judge of the court of common pleas; of judge of probate from ICennebec county; and was a delegate to the convention that framed the constitution of Maine. In 1815 he founded and liberally endowed the Cony female academy in Augusta, now the Cony high school. He died Jan. 21, 1842, in Augusta, Maine. Cony, Samuel, state legislator, jurist, gov-, ernor, was bom Feb. 27, 1811, in Augusta, Maine. He was a member of the Maine state legislature in 1835 and 1862; member of the council in 1839; and judge of probate in 1840-47. He was state treasurer in 185055; mayor of Augusta in 1854; and the twenty-first governor of Maine from 186367.
died Sept.
1870, in Augusta,
Conyers, James, soldier, statesman, waa born Nov. 16, 1645, in Woburn, Mass. In 1668 he enlisted in the French and Indian war; and attained the rank of major. He was instructed by the government with full power for effecting peace with the Indiana; and he persuaded them to subscribe to a treaty of peace Jan 7, 1699. He died July 8, 1706, in Boston, Mass. Conyngham, David Power, journalist, author, was born in 1840, in Ireland. He was editor of The Tablet of New York City. He was the author of Sherman's March Through the South; Lives of the Irish Saints and Martyrs; The Irish Brigade and Its Campaigns. In fiction; Sarsfield, or the Last Great Struggle for Ireland; The O'Donnella of Glen Cottage; O'Mahoney, Chief of the Commeraghs; and Rose Parnell, the Flower of Avondale. He died in 1883, in. New York City. Conyngham, John Butler, was born in 1827. While a prisoner at Charleston he was one of the number selected as hostages to be shot in case of a bombardment of the city by our forces. In 1871 he was brevetted major and lieutenant-colonel for gallant service in the field. He died May 27, 1871, in
Wilkesbarre, Pa.
Conyngham, John Nesbit, lawyer, jurist, was born in December 1798, in Philadelphia, Pa. ,In 1869-71 he was the president of the American church missionary society. He was for two years a member of the Pennsylvania legislature; and in 1840 was appointed president judge of the court of
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