"Ragged garments, even those which now you see." This verse (Odyssey xiv. 343) we shall also find in the Taking of Oechalia.
There is a disagreement as to the number of the sons of Eurytus. For Hesiod says Eurytus and Antioche had as many as four sons; but Creophylus says two.
Didymus contrasts the following account given by Creophylus, which is as follows: while Medea was living in Corinth, she poisoned Creon, who was ruler of the city at that time, and because she feared his friends and kinsfolk, fled to Athens. However, since her sons were too young to go along with her, she left them at the altar of Hera Acraea, thinking that their father would see to their safety. But the relatives of Creon killed them and spread the story that Medea had killed her own children as well as Creon.
While living with Thestorides, Homer composed the Lesser Iliad and the Phocais; though the Phocaeans say that he composed the latter among them.