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Shomer for two talents of ſilver, is 562 l. 10 ſh.. the Kings Talent.

1 Kings 20. 39. Thy Life ſhall go for his Life, or elſe thou ſhalt pay a talent of ſilver, being common talent, 187 l. 10 ſh.

2 Kings 5. 23. And Naaman ſaid, take two talents of ſilver, being the Kings talent, is five hundred ſixty two pounds ten ſhillings.

2 Kings 6.25. A great famine in Samaria and they (illegible text)ged it untill an Aſſes Head was ſold for four ſcore pieces of ſilver whic is 10 ponnd. And the fourth part of Cab of Doves Dung (which is half a pint) for (illegible text)e pieces of ſilver, which is twelve ſhillings ſix pence. They uſed the Doves Dung in ſtead of Salt.

2 Kings 7. 1. Then Eliſha ſaid, Hear the Word of the (illegible text)d, to morrow about this time ſhall Meaſure of fine (illegible text)wer be ſold for a ſhekel, which is one ſhilling three pence, and two Meaſures of Barly for a ſhekel, A measure being a Buſhel; it came to paſs as the Man of God had ſaid.

2 Kings 1(illegible text). 19. 29. And Menahem gave Pul a thousand talents of ſilver: is two hundred eighty one thouſand two hundred and fifty pounds: He exacted of each man that is wealthy fifty ſhekels, is three pounds two ſhillings ſix pence.

1 Chron. 12. 25. David gave to Oman for the (illegible text)ce ſix hundred ſhekels of gold by weight, the ſhekel of the Sanctuary, is nine hundred pound.

1 Chron 22. 14. Now behold is my trouble (another tranſlation hath it in my poverty) I have prepared the houſe of the Lord one hundred thouſand and talents of
