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( 15 )

2 Chron. 9. 9 And ſhe gave the King one hundred twenty talents of Gold, according to the Kings talent, is four hundred five thouſand pounds.

Verſ. 13. Now the weight of gold that came unto King Solomon in one Year, was ſix hundred ſixty ſix talents, according to the Kings talent, is two millions two hundred fourty ſeven thouſand 7 hundred and fifty pounds, Engliſh current money.

Verſ. 15. And King Solomon made two hundred targets of beaten gold, Six hundred ſhekels of gold to one target, which is nine hundred pounds worth to one target, the word of gold to the two hundred targets, is one hundred eighty thouſand pounds

Verſ. 16. And three hundred ſhields made of beaten gold, three hundred ſhekels went to a ſhield, which is four hundred and fifty pounds: The worth of gold of the three hundred ſhields, is one hundred thirty one thouſand pounds, according to the ſhekel of the Sanctuary.

2 Chron: 25:6. He hired an hundred thouſand valiant men out of Iſrael, for one hundred talents of ſilver, the Kings talent, is 28125 pounds.

2 Chron. 27. 5. And the Children of Amon gave him the ſame year, one hundred talents of ſilver, being common, is 18750 pounds.

2 Chron. 36. 3. And condemned the Land in (illegible text)o talents of ſilver, being common, is eighteen thonſand and hundred and eighty pounds. And talent of gold being common, is 2250 pounds.

Jer: 32. 9. And I weighed him the Money, even ſeventeen Shekels of Silver, being common, is one and twenty ſhillings and three pence.
