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mon, one hundred eighty ſeven thouſand five hundred pounds, a common talent of ſilver, is one hundred eighty ſeven pounds ten ſhillings.

Verſ. 35. Yet we will give one hundred talents to them, being ſilver, is eighteen thouſand ſeven hundred fifty pounds.

Macc. 3. 11. If it pleaſe the King let it be written that they may be deſtroyed, and I will pay a thouſand talents of ſilver, being the Kings, comes unto two hundred eighty one thouſand two hundred and (illegible text)y pounds.

(illegible text) Macc. 4. 8. 9. And he came to the King and promiſed him three hundred and threeſcore talents of ſilver, and of another Rent fourſcore talents of ſilver, beſides this he promiſed him one hundred and fifty talents of ſilver, in the whole, (illegible text): hundred ninety, being common, is one hundred ten thouſand ſix hundred twenty five pound Engliſh Money.

(illegible text) Verſ. 19. Which brought three hundred Drachma of ſilver for a ſacrifice, is nine pounds ſeven ſhillings (illegible text) pence, promiſing the King three hundred talents of ſilver, is being common, fifty ſix thouſand two hundred fifty pounds.

2 Maccab. 8. 10. Ordained alſo a tribute for the King of two thouſand talents of Silver, which the Romans ſhould have, being common, is three hundred (illegible text)enty five thouſand pounds, Engliſh Money.

Verſ. 11. Promiſing to ſell fourſcore and ten cows for one talent of ſilver, common, is one hundred eighty ſeven pounds ten ſhillings.
