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2. Macab. iii II There were but four hundred Talents of Silver, of the Sanctuary one hundred fify thousand Pound; and two hundred Talents of Gold, nine hundred thousand Pound.

2. Macab iv 8 9. And he promis'd the King three hundred and three score Talents of Silver and of another Rent four score Talents, and besides this be promised him an hundred and fifty more in all five hundred and ninety Talents of Silver; being Common, is one hundred ten thousand six hundred a twenty five Pound.

Ver. 19. Which brought three hundred Drachmas of Silver for a Sacrifice, is nine Pound five Shillings and Six pence; promising the King three hundred Talents of Silver, Common, is fifty-six thousand two hundred and fifty Pound

2. Macab, viii. 10 Ordain'd also a Tribute for the King of two thousand Talents of Silver, Common, three hundred seventy thousand Pound

Ver. 11. Promising to sell four score and ten Jews for one Talent of Silver, Common, one hundred and eighty-seven Pound ten Shillings

Here begins the New Testament Coins, &c.

MATTHEW xvii. 27.

AND take the Fish that first cometh up; when thou hast open'd his Mouth, thou shalt find a Piece of Money, that take and give for me and thee which was called a Stater, or two Drachmas, worth two Shillings and Six-pence.

Matt xviii.24. and 28. One was brought to him which owed him ten thousand Talents, Common, one Million eight hundred and seventy-five thou-sand