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[ 18 ]

A Reed is six Common Cubits and a Hand's Breadth, which is three Inches.

A Pace is five Foot.

A Furlong is one hundred and twenty-five Paces, or forty Perch.

A Mile is one thousand Paces, or eight Furlongs; but in the Scriptures, or Hebrew, it is much as a Man can go in Half a Day, or between Meal and Meal.

Judges xx, 16 Among all the People there were seven hundred chosen Men, that were left handed, that could sling at a Hair's Breadth and not miss.

Now a Hair's Breadth is the forty-eighth Part of an Inch, twelve Inches is a foot, sixteen Foot and a Half is a Perch, forty Perches a Furlong and eight Furlongs a Mile.

A Sabbath day's Journey, according to Scripture, is six hundred Paces.

Measures mentioned in the Holy Bible.

First of Dry.

A Cab is a Quart
An Omer is a Quart and a Half
A Seath is a Gallon and a Half
An Ephath is Half a Bushel and a Pottle
Half an Homer is seven Bushels and a Quart
An Homer, or Cor, is fourteen Bushels and a Pottle.
A Chenix is by some counted three Pints five Ounces and a Half, by others a Quart.
