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the Children of Israel, King over a Nation, or Kings after the falling of the ten Tribes of Israel, Elders or Senators, the seventy, or Sanhedrim Officers, Prevosts or Sherifts Judges or Rulers such as determined Controversies in particular Cities. An Hebrew, from Ab-Ahein. An Israelite, from Jacob, who was named Israel, call'd Children of Israel. A Proselite of the Covenant who submitted to the Law, and was circumcised. A Proselite of the Gate or stranger, who worshipp'd the true God, and was not circumcised: The Officer or Governor, appointed by the Kings of Asyria and Persia, Heads of the People in Captivity under the Grecian Monarchy The Macabees or Successors of Judas Macabeas, High Priests, who presided kingly Government or Power under the Roman Emperors. Presidents or Governors sent from Rome with Imperial Power. Tetrachs, who have kingly Power over force Provinces Proconsuls, or Deputies of Provinces, inferior Officers Publicans were Tribute or Tax-gatherers, and hated of the Jews, Centurian a Captain of an hundred Men. High Priest, who only might enter into the Holy of Holies. Priest, or Sæven, who supplied the High Priest's Office, in Case he was disabled, some set apart for the War for Expedition. The sons of Aaron, who had divers Ranks, Degrees and Offices in the Temple; also the sons of Levi, who were of three Ranks and Orders, viz Gershonites, Chehorites, and Macarites; also Nichimites inferior servants of the Priest, and Levites, not of their Tribe, to draw Water; and cleave Wood. Prophets, anciently call'd Seers who foretold Things to come, denounced God's judgements against Idolators and Evil-doers, and taught the People. Children of the prophets, their Disciples or scholars,Wisemen