Page:Highways and Byways in Sussex.djvu/478

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Highways and Byways in Yorkshire.

By ARTHUR H. NORWAY. With Illustrations by JOSEPH


PALL MALL GAZETTE.—"The wonderful story of Yorkshire's past provides Mr. Norway with a wealth of interesting material, which he has used judiciously and well; each grey ruin of castle and abbey he has re-erected and re-peopled in the most delightful way. A better guide and story teller it would be hard to find."

OBSERVER.—"The fourth volume of the most fascinating series of topographical books yet published. Bright descriptions and happy ancedotes are given by the author, and innumerable 'bits' of Yorkshire scenery by two of the best black-and-white landscape artists of the day go to make up a volume which deserves a cordial welcome."

DAILY NEWS.—"The reputation of Messrs. Macmillan's 'Highways and Byways' series is fully sustained in this interesting volume, in which pen and pencil so happily combine."

Highways and Byways in Donegal and
By STEPHEN GWYNN. With illustrations by HUGH THOMSON.

DAILY CHRONICLE.—"Charming...Mr. Gwynn makes some of the old legends live again for us, he brings the peasants before us as they are, his descriptions have the 'tear and the smile' that so well suit the country, and scarcely an exception he has brought his facts and his figures up to date.... Above all, he shows that he knows the people; he enters into their minds in a way no Englishman could.... Most entertaining and admirably illustrated."

DAILY TELEGRAPH.—"A perfect book of its kind, on which author, artist, and publisher have lavished of their best."

Highways and Byways in Normandy. By

PERCY DEARMER, M.A. With Illustrations by


ST. JAMES'S GAZETTE.—"A charming book.... Mr. Dearmer is as arrestive in his way as Mr. Pennell. He has the true topographical eye. He handles legend and history in entertaining fashion....Excellently does he second Mr. Pennell's beautiful drawings, and makes hackneyed places on the 'Highways' and in Mont Saint-Michel, Rouen, Countances, and Caen, to shine forth with fresh significance and 'new-spangled ore.'"

ACADEMY.—"Between them Mr. Dearmer and Mr. Pennell have produced a book which need fear no rival in its own field for many a day."