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Onomatopœia is the use of such word or words as by their sound will suggest the sense, as crash, buzz, roar, etc. Motion is thus easily imitated, as is also sound, and even the reflections and emotions.

Examples—"Away they went pell mell, hurry skurry, wild buffalo, wild horse, wild huntsmen, with clang and clatter, and whoop and halloo that made the forests ring." "The ball went whizzing past."

"While I nodded nearly napping, suddenly there came a tapping
As of some one gently rapping, rapping at my chamber door."

General Summary.

Dr. Blair's system of rhetoric sums up the most important qualities of style in the six following terms, being thus condensed by Kerl:

"Purity, propriety, and precision chiefly in regard to words and phrases; and perspicuity, unity, and strength, in regard to sentences. He who writes with purity, avoids all phraseology that is foreign, uncouth, or ill-derived; he who writes with propriety, selects the most appropriate, the very best expressions, and generally displays sound judgment and good taste; he who writes with precision, is careful to state exactly what he means —all that he means, or that is necessary, and nothing more; he who writes with perspicuity, aims to present his meaning so clearly and obviously, that no one can fail to understand him at once; he who observes unity, follows carefully the most agreeable order of nature, and does not jumble together incongruous things, nor throw out his thoughts in a confused or chaotic mass; and he who writes with strength, so disposes or marshals all the parts of each sentence, and all the parts of the discourse, as to make the strongest impression. A person's style, according as it is influenced by taste and imagination, may be dry, plain, neat, elegant, ornamental, florid, or turgid. The most common faulty style is that which may be described as being stiff, cramped, labored, heavy and tiresome; its opposite is the easy, flowing, graceful, sprightly, and interesting style. One of the greatest beauties of style, one too little regarded, is simplicity or naturalness; that easy, unaffected, earnest, and highly impressive language which indicates a total ignorance, or rather innocence, of all the trickery of art. It seems to consist of the pure promptings of nature; though, in most instances, it is not so much a natural gift as it is the perfection of art."

Laws of Language.

The following rules by Dr. Campbell, in reference to the construction of sentences and choice of words will be found of service.

1. When the usage is divided as to any particular words or phrases, and when one of the expressions is susceptible of different meanings, while the other admits of only one signification, the expression which is strictly of one meaning should be preferred.

2. In doubtful cases, analogy should be regarded.

3. When expressions are in other respects equal, that should be preferred which is most agreeable to the ear.

4. When none of the preceding rules takes place, regard should be had to simplicity.

5. All words and phrases, particularly harsh and not absolutely necessary, should be dismissed.

6. When the etymology plainly points to a different signification from what the word bears, propriety and simplicity require its dismission.

7. When words become obsolete, or are never used but in particular phrases, they should be repudiated, as they give the style an air of vulgarity and cant, when this general disuse renders them obscure.

8. All words and phrases which analyzed grammatically, include an imperfection of speech, should be dismissed.

9. All expressions which, according to the established rules of language, either have no meaning, or involve a contradiction, or according to the fair construction of the words, convey a meaning different from the intention of the speaker, should be dismissed.

Specific Directions.

Paragraphs.—One or more sentences form a paragraph. When a deviation or change is made in the subject a new paragraph is commenced. The first line of each paragraph in writing should commence about one inch from the left side of the sheet. Preserve a space half an inch in width between the left of the writing and the edge of the sheet. Write as close to the right edge of the sheet as possible. When lack of space prevents thecompletion of a word on the line, place the hyphen (-) at the end of the line and follow with the remaining syllables on the next line. Words may be divided, but never divide syllables.

Rules of Construction.

1. The principal words in a sentence should be placed where they will make the most striking impression.

2. A weaker assertion or argument should not follow a stronger one.

3. The separation of the preposition from the noun which it governs, should be avoided.

4. Concluding the sentence with an adverb, preposition, or other insignificant word lessens the strength of the sentence.

Order of Arrangement.—Young writers will find it well to prepare a memorandum of the subjects they wish to treat on a separate slip of paper, and the points they wish to make relating to each subject. Having the subjects clearly fixed in the mind, they should commence with the least important and follow through to the end, considering the most important at the close.