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Page:Hill's manual of social and business forms.djvu/106

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Advancement—progression, improvement.

Advantage—profit, benefit, use, good.

Adventure—chance, casualty, contingency, incident, occurrence.

Adversary—opponent, antagonist, enemy.

Adverse—unfortunate, hostile, contrary, repugnant, opposed.

Advert—notice, turn, regard, allude.

Advise—consult, consider, deliberate, admonish.

Advocate—plead, argue, defend, support.

Affability—Civility, courteousness, urbanity.

Affable—Civil, courteous, urbane, pleasing.

Affaire—business, concern, matter, transaction.

Affect—aim, assume, move, pretend, arrogate.

Affecting—feeling, touching, pathetic.

Affection—love, fondness, attachment, kindness, tenderness.

Affiliate—adopt, receive, initiate, associate.

Affinity—relationship, kindred, alliance, conformity, attraction.

Affirm—assure, assert, aver, declare, protest.

Affliction—pain, trouble, distress, grief, sadness, sorrow, tribulation, bereavement, calamity.

Affluence—plenty, abundance, riches, opulence, wealth, concourse, influx.

vAfford|yield, grant, give, impart, spare.}}

Affright—alarm, dismay, shock, terrify, appall, frighten, dishearten, intimidate.

Affront—provoke, insult, outrage, offend.

Afraid—fearful, terrified, timid, timorous.

Aged—elderly, old, senile, advanced in years.

Agent—representative, deputy.

Aggregate—mass, collect, accumulate.

Agile—alert, active, lively, quick, sprightly, nimble, brisk.

Agitate—shake, disturb, move, discuss.

Agitation—disturbance, trepidation, tremor.

Agony—pain, distress, torture, anguish, suffering.

Agree—accede, acquise, assent, concur, comply.

Agreeable—Suitable, acceptable, pleasing, grateful.

Agreement—harmony, accordance, covenant, concurrence, contract, bargain.

Aid—assist, help, succor, relieve.

Aim—aspire, endeavor, level, point.

Air—aspect, manner, appearance, look, mien.

Alarm—fear, consternation, dread, apprehension, fright, terror, summons, surprise.

Alienate—transfer, withdraw, estrange.

Allege—adduce, affirm, advance, assert.

Alleviate—case, abate, lessen, mitigate, relieve, diminish, soothe, lighten.

Alliance—coalition, union, league, combination, confederacy.

Allot—distribute, apportion, assign, appoint.

Allowance—wages. pay, stipend, salary, permission, concession, grant.

Allude—refer, suggest, hint, intimate.

Allure—tempt, entice, seduce, decoy, attract.

Alter—change, vary, modify, re-arrange.

Always—ever, perpetually, constantly, continually, incessantly.

Amass—gather, heap, collect, accumulate.

Amazement—astonishment, surprise, wonder, admiration.

Ambigous—obscure, doubtful, equivocal, uncertain.

Amenable—answerable, responsible, accountable.

Amend—correct, improve, better, rectify, reform, mend.

Amends—recompense, restoration, reparation, restitution.

Aimable—lovely, kind, charming, delightful, obliging.

Ample—large, extended, spacious, copious, abundant, plenteous.

Amusement—entertainment, diversion, sport,pastime, recreation.

Angry—passionate, hot, irascible, hasty.

Anguish—pain, distress, suffering, agony.

Animate—cheer, enliven, exhilarate, impel, incite, inspire, urge, encourage.

Animation—life, spirits, liveliness, buoyancy, gayety, vivacity.

Animosity—hatred, enmity, malignity, hostility.

Annex—attach, affix, subjoin, add.

Announce—proclaim, declare, advertise, publish.

Annul—destroy, revoke, abolish, cancel, repeal, annihilate.

Answer—reply, response, rejoinder.

Answerable—amenable, accountable, responsible.

Antagonist—enemy, foe, opponent, adversary.

Antecedent—previous, former, anterior, preceding, prior, foregoing.

Antipathy—aversion, abhorrence, dislike, detestation, hatred.

Anexity—caution, care, perplexity, solicitude, uncasiness, disquietude.

Apathy—unfeelingness, indifference, insensibility, unconcern.

Apeture—cavity, opening.

Apology—defense, plea, excuse.

Apparent—evident, clear, plain, visible, distinct.

Appeal—invoke, refer, call upon.

Apperance—aspect, look, air, manner, mien, semblance.

Appease—calm, soothe, allay, pacify, assuage, tranquilize.

Applaud—praise, approve, extol, commend.

Applause—acclamation, shouting, approval.

Appoint—allot, fix, provide. order, prescribe, ordain, depute, constitute.

Appraise—value, estimate.

Appreciate—value, esteem, prize, estimate.

Apprhension—fear, terror, alarm, seizure, dread, suspicion, fright.

Apprise—inform, acquaint, disclose.

Approach—admittance, access, avenue, passage.

Approbation—approval, concurrence, consent, sanction, confirmation.

Appropriate—assume, usurp, set apart.

Appropriate—peculiar, exclusive, adapted.

Approve—allow, like, applaud, esteem, commend.

Arbitor—judge, umpire, arbiter.

Archives—annals, records,

Arden—hot, eager, passionate, fervent, fiery, vehement.

Arduous—hard, difficult, laborious.

Argument—proof, reason, dispute.

Arise—mount, ascend, rise, stand up.

Arraign—charge, accuse, impeach.

Arrange—place, dispose, class, range.

Arrogance—assumption, self-conceit, pride, presumption, haughtiness.

Artful—crafty, artificial, deceitful, cunning, dexterous.

Articulate—speak, pronounce, utter.

Artiface—deception, imposition, stratagem, cheat, deceit, finesse.

Attitude—posture, gesture.

Attract—charm, captivate, win, allure, draw, entice.

Attractions—charms, allurements, enticements.

Audacity—impudence, boldness, hardihood, effrontery.

Auspicious—favorable, propitious, prosperous, lucky, fortunate.

Authentic—genuine, authorized, true.

Authority—power, dominion, force, sway, influence, ascendency.

Avarice—greed, covetousness, cupidity.

Averse—loath, unwilling, reluctant, repugnant, unfortunate, unfavorable.

Aversion—dislike, antipathy, repugnance, abhorrence, detestation.

Avidity—eagerness, greediness.

Avocation—calling, trade, profession, office, business, employment, occupation.

Avoid—shun, elude, eschew.

Avow—own, confess, recognize, acknowledge.

Awake—arouse, provoke, excite.

Awe—fear, dread, reverence.


idle talk, loquacity, chattering, prattling.
loth, unwilling, reluctant, averse.
confound, defeat, disconcert, elude, confuse.
settle, adjust, regulate, equalize.
taunt, ridicule, deride, rally, joke, jest.
stripped, naked, destitute, uncovered, unadorned.
purchase, cheapen, contract, buy.
mean, low, vile.
shy, modest, timid, diffident.
foundation, pedestal, ground, base.
spurious, illegitimate.
combat, fight, engagement.
carry, bring forth, suffer, support, endure, sustain, undergo.
hit, strike, defeat, overthrow.
sweethcart, gallant, fop, dandy.
handsome, fine.
embellish, decorate, adorn, deck, ornament.
suitable, comely, graceful, decent, befitting, meet, fit.

Beg—crave, beseech, entreat, ask, request, implore, solicit, supplicate.

Begin—originate, commence, enter upon.

Beguile—delude, mislead, deceive, amuse, impose upon.