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Freedom—liberty, independence, exemption, privilege, familiarity, unrestraint.

Freely—spontaneously, unreservedly, cheerfully, frankly, liberally, unhesitatingly.

Frequenetly—often, repeatedly, commonly, generally, usually.

Fresh—new, recent, novel, modern, cool.

Fret—chafe, anger, gall, agitate, corrode, vex.

Fretful—captious, peevish, petulant, angry.

Friendly—pleasant, kind, sociable, arreeable, amicable.

Fright—panic, consternation, terror, alarm.

Frighten—terrify, scare, intimidate, affright, alarm, daunt.

Frightful—horrid, horrible, terrible, terrific, dreadful, fearful.

Frgual—careful, economical, saving, prudent.

Fruitful—abundant, plentiful, fertile, productive, prolific.

Frstrate—defeat, hinder, nullify, foil, disappoint.

Fully—largely, amply, completely, copiously, abundantly.

Futile—useless, frivolous, trifling.


Gain—obtain, get, win, attain, acquire, profit.

Gait—bearing, mien, walk, carriage.

Gale—breeze, storm, tempest, hurricane.

Gather—collect, muster, assemble, compress, fold, infer.

Gay—dashing, showy, merry, sprightly, fine, cheerful.

Generally—usually, commonly, frequently.

Generous—liberal, bounteous, beneficent, munificent, noble.

Genius—talent, intellect, ingenuity, capacity, ability, wisdom, taste.

Genteel—polite, refined, polished, mannerly, cultured.

Gentle—tame, meek, mild, quiet, peaceable.

Genuine—real, actual, authentic, unalloyed, unadulterated, true, natural.

Germinate—sprout, shoot, grow, bud, vegetate.

Gesture—action, motion, posture, attitude.

Get—gain, attain, obtain, procure, realize, acquire, possess.

Gift—donation, present, gratuity, benefaction, endowment, ability, talent.

Give—impart, confer, bestow, grant, consign, yield.

Glad—happy, gay, cheerful, delighted, joyful, joyous, gratified.

Glance—sight, look, glimpse.

Glitter—glisten, sparkle, shine, glare, radiate.

Glittering—glistening, shining, sparkling, bright, brilliant.

Gloom—dark, sad, dim, dull, cloudy, sullen, morose, melancholy.

Glory—fame, renown, praise, honor, reputation, brightness, splendor.

Graceful—comely, genteel, becoming, elegant, neat.

Grand—dignified, lofty, great, exalted, elevated, magnificent, majestic, glorious, splendid, superb, sublime.

Grant—give, bestow, cede, concede, confer, sell, yield.

Grasp—gripe, seize, catch.

Grateful—thankful, agreeable, delicious, pleasing.

Gratifcation—indulgence, happiness, enjoyment, pleasure, fruition.

Grave—slow, solemn, thoughtful, serious, important, sedate, thoughtful.

Greatness—size, bulk, magnitude, immensity, power, dignity, grandeur.

Grediness—ravenousness, rapacity, voracity, covetousness, eagerness.

Grief—sadness, sorrow, regret, melancholy, distress, affliction, anguish.

Grieve—bemoan, bewail, afflict, lament, hurt, mourn, sorrow.

Group—cluster, collection, assemblage.

Grow—sprout, vegetuate, proceed, increase.

Guarantee—warrant, vouch for, secure.

Guard—protect, defend, shield, watch.

Guess—suppose, conjecture, surmise, divine, think.

Guest—stranger, visitor, visitant.

Guide—lead, direct, conduct, instruct, control, regulate.

Guilty—depraved, wicked, sinful, criminal, debauched.


Hale—strong, robust, sound, hearty.

Hanpsome—fine, fair, pretty, graceful, lovely, elegant, beautiful, noble.

Happiness—contentment, luck, felicity, bliss.

Harass—tire, molest, weary, disturb, perplex, vex, torment.

Harbinger—messenger, precursor, forerunner.

Harp—near, close, unfeeling, inexorable, arduous, difficult, firm, hardy, solid.

Hardened—unfeeling, obdurate, insensible, callous.

Hardihood—boldness, presumption, audacity, effrontery, bravery, daring.

Hardly—barely, scarcely, with difficulty.

Hardship—affliction, oppression, grievance, injury.

Harm—evil, injury, damage, hurt, misfortune, ill, mishap.

Harmless—gentle, unoffending, inoffensive, innocent.

Harmony—unison, concord, melody, agreement, accordance.

Harsh—rough, stern, severe, rigorous, austere, morose.

Hasten—hurry, expedite, accelerate, quicken.

Hastiness—dispatch, speed, hurry, rashness, precipitancy.

Hasty—rash, angry, quick, cursory, passionate.

Hate—dislike, abjure, detest, abhor, loathe, abominate.

Hateful—odious, contemptible, execrable, detestable, abominable, loathsome.

Haughtiness—vanity, self-conceit, arrogance, pride, disdain.

Hazard—trial, venture, chance, risk, danger, peril.

Headstrong—self-willed, stubborn, forward, violent, obstinate, venturesome.

Heal—restore, cure, remedy.

Healthy—well, sound, wholesome, salutary, salubrious.

Hear—hearken, listen, watch, attend, overbear.

Hearty—sincere, zealous, warm, strong, cordial, ardent, healthy.

Heaviness—Sorrow, gloom, dejection, weight, gravity.

Heedless—dilatory, thoughtless, negligent,remiss, careless, inattentive.

Heighten—raise, advance, improye, aggravate.

Heinous—wicked, sinful, flagrant, atrocious.

Help—provide, serve, assist, aid, relieve, support, succor.

Hence—from, thence, so, accordingly, therefore, wherefore, consequently.

Heroic—bold, noble, brave, fearless, valiant, courageous, intrepid.

Herroism—valor, boldness, courage, bravery, gallantry, fortitude.

Hesitate—pause, falter, wait, delay, scruple, doubt, demur, stammer.

Hidden—obscure, mysterious, secret, covert, concealed.

Hideous—awful, frightful, horrible, ghastly, grim, grisly.

Hilarity—jollity, joviality, mirth, merriment, cheerfulness, gayety.

Hinder—interfere, impede, embarrass, retard, prevent, oppose, stop, thwart, obstruct.

Hold—keep, occupy, maintain, retain, detain, grasp, possess.

Honesty—honor, fidelity, frankness, integrity, probity, purity, justice, sincerity, rectitude, uprightness, truthfulness.

Honor—exalt, dignify, respect, adorn, revere, esteem, venerate, reverence.

Hope—desire, belief, trust, confidence, expectation, anticipation.

Hopeless—desponding, dejected, despairing.

Horrible—dreadful, terrible, terrific, fearful, frightful, awful.

Hostile—unfriendly, opposite, contrary, repugnant.

Hostltiy—enmity, opposition, animosity, ill-will, unfriendliness.

House—domicile, @welling, home, habitation,family, race, quorum.

However—notwithstanding, nevertheless, but, yet, still.

Humble—meek, lowly, subdued, submissive, modest, unpretending, unassuming.

Hurry—hasten, expedite, precipitate.

Hurtful—annoying, injurious, detrimental, mischievous, pernicious, prejudicial.

Hypocrisy—dissimulution, pretence, deceit.


Idea—notion, thought, conception, imagination, perception.

Idle—unoccupied, unemployed, inactive, indolent, still, lazy, slothful.

Ignorant—untaught, unskilled, uninformed, unlettered, unlearned, illiterate.

Illness—sickness, disorder, disease, malady.

Illusion—falsity, deception, mockery.

Imagine—think, suppose, fancy, conceive, deem, contrive, apprehend.

Imbecility—weakness, languor, feebleness, infirmity, debility, impotence.

Imitate—follow, copy, mimic.