Page:Hill's manual of social and business forms.djvu/142

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Introducing a Gentleman Seeking a Clerkship.

Denver, Col., Oct. 13, 18—. Friend Patterson:
This letter will introduce to you my young friend, Morgan Hatfield, who has been in my employ as a clerk for the past eighteen months, and whom I would still retain, had not the disposing of a portion of my business rendered his services, with those of others of my clerks, unnecessary.

Believing that your wide influerce would very materially aid him in securing a good position in the dry-goods trade in your city, I presume upon the acquaintance of an old friend in thus writing you. For reference you can use my name.

Believing that you will not afterwards regretvany assistance you ren- der the young man, I am,

Your Friend,


A. B. Patterson, Esq.

Introducing a Sister to a Schoolmate.

{{right|Salem, Oregon, Nov. 14, 18—. Dear Friend:
This will be brought you by my sister Callie, of whom you have heard me talk so much. No words of mine are neces- sary in introducing you. I have told you both so much of each other that you are already acquainted. I bid you love each other as well as I love you both.

Affectionately Yours,


Miss Lizzie Brayton.

Introducing a Clerk to an Old Fellow-Clerk.

Silver City, New Mexico, Dec. 18, 18—. Dear Hal.: My friend and fellow-clerk, Wm. Bell, will spend a week in your city, and wants to look at the desk-where you and I stood, side by side, so long. You will find him a genial, friendly fellow, and will most assuredly not regret my sending him to you.

Ever Your Friend,


Halbert Stebbins.

Introducing a Student to the Writer’s Mother.

San Francisco, Cal., Feb. 2, 18—.

Dear Mother:
The bearer of this is my college chum, Harry Worthington. Being about to visit his parents at San Jose, I have persuaded him to stop over one train to see you and sister Kate. Harry is in the same class with myself, and is, I can assure you, a splendid fellow. Of course, you and Kate will treat him so finely as to make him, perhaps, stay longer than one day. He will tell you all the news.

Your Ever Affectionate Son,


Introducing a Friend to a Member of Congress.

Dover, Del., Mar. 3, 18—.

Hon. D. B. Grham.
Respected Sir:
The bearer, Mr. D. H. Harmon, is the son of Mrs. Lieut. W. H. Harmon, of this town, whose husband was killed at the battle of Iuka, bravely defending the flag. This young man has just graduated from one of our best schools, and at my suggestion visits Washington, thinking to acquaint himself with the condition of things at the Capitol, and, if the same could be obtained, would gladly occupy a clerkship for a time. Should it be in your power to grant him such a favor, it will be warmly appreciated by his mother and myself. I remain

Yours Respectfully,


Introducing a Literary Lady to a Publisher.

Baton Rouge, La., March 4, 18—.

Mr. Warren H. Webster. Dear Sir:
The bearer, Mrs. Lydia Huntington, visits New York for the purpose of conferring with some publisher relative to introducing her first book to the public. She is a lady of well- known reputation and acknowledged talent throughout the South, and will, I feel sure, assume prominent rank ere long in the literary world. I take the liberty of an old friend toask of you a consideration of her claims.

Yours, Very Respectfully,


Introducing a Daughter About to Make a Visit.

Charleston, S. C., May 6, 18—.

My Dear Mrs. Hamilton:

In compliance with your oft-repeated request, I send my daughter to spend a few weeks of her vacation in your delightful country home, trusting that her visit may be as delightful for her and yourself as mine was a year ago. Anticipating a visit from you all, ere the close of the present summer, I remain,

As Ever, Your Devoted Friend,