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Page:Hill's manual of social and business forms.djvu/34

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Position While Writing.

A N object early to be attained, is to MS acquire an easy, graceful and is healthful position of body while sitting or standing, when writing. To obtain this, the writer should sit with the right side to the desk, using a table so high as to compel the body to sit erect.

Rest the arm lightly upon the elbow and fore-arm, and the hand upon the two lower fingers, the wrist being free from the desk. Allow the body and head to incline sufficiently to see the writing, but no more.

Maintain a position such as will give a free expansion of the lungs, as such posture is absolutely indispensable to the preservation of health.

A desk or table, with a perfectly level surface, is best for writing. Where a decided preference is manifested for sitting with the left side, or square, to the desk, such position may be taken. If the desk slopes considerably, the left side is preferable.

Avoid dropping the body down into an awkward, tiresome position. If wearied with continued sitting, cease writing. Lay down the pen, step forth into the fresh air, throw back the arms, expand the chest, inflate the lungs, and take exercise. When work is again resumed, maintain the same erect position, until the habit becomes thoroughly fixed of sitting gracefully and easily, while engaged in this exercise.