Page:Hill's manual of social and business forms.djvu/92

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  • Referrible,
  • Reflexible,
  • Refrangible,
  • Regible,
  • Remissible,
  • Reprehensible,
  • Resistible,
  • Responsible,
  • Reversible,
  • Revertible,
  • Risible,
  • Seducible,
  • Sensible,
  • Tangible,
  • Terrible,
  • Transmissible,
  • Visible.

The following words end in able:

  • Approvable,
  • Blamable,
  • Conversable,
  • Dilatable,
  • Dissolvable,
  • Incondensable,
  • Inferable,
  • Manifestable,
  • Movable,
  • Provable,
  • Ratable,
  • Referable,
  • Reprovable,
  • Salable,
  • Solvable,
  • Tamable,
  • Tenable,
  • Transferable,
  • Unsalable,
  • Untamable,
  • Untenable.

The following words in spelling begin with Im. Other words of similar pronunciation begin with Em.

  • Imbibe,
  • Imboil,
  • Imbound,
  • Imbrue,
  • Imbrute,
  • Imbue,
  • Imburse,
  • Immanuel,
  • Immaculate,
  • Immense,
  • Imminent,
  • Immigrant,
  • Immerge,
  • Immerse,
  • Immigrate,
  • Immingle,
  • Immit,
  • Immix,
  • Immure,
  • Impact,
  • Impale,
  • Impassioned,
  • Impawn,
  • Impeach,
  • Impearl,
  • Impel,
  • Impen,
  • Imperil,
  • Impinge,
  • Implant,
  • Implead,
  • Impart,
  • Impose,
  • Impound,
  • Impregnate,
  • Impress,
  • Imprint,
  • Impromptu,
  • Impugn,
  • Impulse,
  • Impunity,
  • Imputable,
  • Impute.

ise and ize.

The following words terminate with ise. Other words of like pronunciation terminate with ize.

  • Advertise,
  • Advise,
  • Affranchise,
  • Apprise,
  • Catechise,
  • Chastise,
  • Circumcise,
  • Comprise,
  • Compromise,
  • Criticise,
  • Demise,
  • Despise,
  • Devise,
  • Disfranchise,
  • Disguise,
  • Divertise,
  • Emprise,
  • Enfranchise,
  • Exercise,
  • Exorcise.
  • Merchandise,
  • Misprise,
  • Recognise,
  • Reprise,
  • Supervise,
  • Surmise,
  • Surprise.

Words ending in d, de, ge, mit, rt, se, or ss, take sion in derivatives. Other words of similar pronunciation in their ending are usually spelled with tion.

  • Abscission,
  • Abstersion,
  • Adhesion,
  • Admission,
  • Cohesion,
  • Compulsion,
  • Condescension,
  • Confession,
  • Confusion,
  • Conversion,
  • Declension,
  • Decursion,
  • Depulsion,
  • Dissension,
  • Divulsion,
  • Emersion,
  • Evasion,
  • Evulsion,
  • Exesion,
  • Expulsion,
  • Impression,
  • Impulsion,
  • Incursion,
  • Intrusion,
  • Propulsion,
  • Recension,
  • Recursion,
  • Remission,
  • Revision,
  • Revulsion,
  • Tension,
  • Transcursion,
  • Version.

Exceptional words. Coercion, Suspicion, Crucifixion.

Words in En.

  • Encage,
  • Enchant,
  • Enchase,
  • Encircle,
  • Enclose,
  • Encroach,
  • Encumber,
  • Endamage,
  • Endear,
  • Endow,
  • Enfeeble,
  • Enfranchise,
  • Engender,
  • Engorge,
  • Entrance,
  • Enhance,
  • Enjoin,
  • Enlard,
  • Enlarge,
  • Enlighten,
  • Enlist,
  • Enroll,
  • Ensure,
  • Entail,
  • Entangle,
  • Enthrone,
  • Entice,
  • Entire,
  • Entitle,
  • Entomb,
  • Entrap,
  • Entreat,
  • Enure,

Words in In.

  • Inclasp,
  • Incrust,
  • Indict,
  • Indite,
  • Indorse,
  • Indue,
  • Infold,
  • Ingraft,
  • Ingrain,
  • Ingulf,
  • Inquire,
  • Insnare,
  • Insure,
  • Interlace,
  • Interplead,
  • Inthrall,
  • Intrust,
  • Intwine,
  • Inure,
  • Inveigle,
  • Inwheel,
  • Inwrap,
  • Inwreathe.

Words ending in eive.

  • Conceive,
  • Receive,
  • Deceive,
  • Perceive,

Words ending in ieve.

  • Achieve,
  • Aggrieve,
  • Believe,
  • Relieve,
  • Reprieve,
  • Retrieve,
  • Sieve,
  • Thieve.

Nouns which change f or fe into ves in the plural.

  • Beeves,
  • Calves,
  • Elves,
  • Halves,
  • Knives,
  • Leaves,
  • Lives,
  • Loaves,
  • Selves,
  • Sheaves,
  • Shelves,
  • Thieves,
  • Wharves,
  • Wives,
  • Wolves.

Nouns ending in f or fe in which s is only used in the plural.

  • Briefs,
  • Chiefs,
  • Fiefs,
  • Griefs,
  • Mischiefs,
  • Kerchiefs,
  • Dwarfs.
  • Turfs,
  • Kerfs,
  • Surfs,
  • Fifes,
  • Strifes,
  • Safes,
  • Scarfs,
  • Woofs,
  • Hoofs,
  • Roofs,
  • Proofs,
  • Beliefs,
  • Reliefs,
  • Gulfs.

Nouns ending in eau, ieu, and ou, terminate the plural in x.

  • Beaux,
  • Bureaux,
  • Chapeaux,
  • Chateaux,
  • Flambeaux,
  • Rondeaux,
  • Plateaux,
  • Bijoux,
  • Morceaux,
  • Rouleaux,
  • Tableaux,