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Page:Hindi grammar (Greaves).djvu/368

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Syntax of the Verb.
Sect. 312

this question. चलते २ देा पहर रात वद घर पहुँचा, Going right on he reached home at midnight.

Implying Intensity. पैर की पाहट बचा बचा कर चलने लगे, They went forward, taking great care that the sound of their footsteps (should not be heard). घाेर (Symbol missingDevanagari characters)घकार मेऺ टटाेल टटाेल कर सीढ़ी पर पाँव रखते हुए नीचे लगे, In the thick darkness, feeling very carefully as they placed their feet on the ladder, they began to descend. चुपके चुपके कुछ बात कर रहे (Symbol missingDevanagari characters), They were speaking very very softly.

Sometimes, in the repetition of the Verb, its form is slightly altered the second time. नाव केा खींच खाँच कर (Symbol missingDevanagari characters)ागे बढ़ा ले गय, Dragging the boat this way and that, they carried it forward.