Page:Hindu Feasts Fasts and Ceremonies.djvu/103

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goddess. Thus concludes the Sarasvati puja and a sumptuous feast in honour of the goddess follows. People who are rich present clothes on this occasion, to married women. The origin of this ceremony is to be found in the Skanda Purana. It runs briefly as follows:—

In the Kritayuga there lived a famous King named Suketu. He was well versed in politics and his only pleasure was to attend to the welfare and comfort of his subjects. The name of his queen was Suvedi. She was young, beautiful and much attached to her lord. It so happened that Suketu was defeated by his enemies and compelled to fly for his life with his queen. The royal pair wandered in a forest for several days without food and, unable to bear the exhaustion, fell ill. Suvedi carried her weak lord on her shoulders and was trying to find her way out of the woods when she was met by the sage Angiras who said: "Who are you that have ventured alone into this deep forest? You seem to be much afflicted. Relate your history and I shall try my best to relieve you." Suvedi related her history and Angiras was extremely moved on