Page:Hindu Feasts Fasts and Ceremonies.djvu/113

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16. The Srijayanti or Krishnashtami

LORD KRISHNA’S birthday, Srijayanti or Krishnashtami, is the most popular festival in the whole of India. These two are the names by which this festival is called by the Vaishnavas, while among the Smartas it is known as Gokulashtami, and in Northern India as Janmashtami. By whatever name it may be known, this festive celebration of the birth of Lord Krishna is kept as a holy day by all Hindus throughout India. Accerding to the Puranas, Krishna was born on the 8th lunar day (Ashtami) of the waning moon of the month of Sravana at midnight, upon the moon’s entrance into Rohini asterism. On account of this sacred occasion a fast is held on the day preceding the date of his birth, the fast being broken as usual by a feast on the following day. The observance of the fast varies with different sects. The followers of the Smriti—Smartas—commence their fast