Page:Hindu Feasts Fasts and Ceremonies.djvu/141

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and fight. This goes on for three days. On the last day the decision of the umpires is given. Every one, specially engaged for the entertainment, is rewarded on the night of the third day, in accordance with his powers and prowess. This closes the padakkali which takes place before a Rajah or local chieftain, now a rich tarawad, who witnesses the whole scene and distributes the prizes. It is considered a high honour to win a prize in the padakkali. Generally no harm is done in the sham fight, but sometimes, under excitement, and when the parties attacking each other are professional wrestlers or bear a grudge towards one another accidents do occur. This whole sham fight is called onitalla. But these are rare and never come into Court, for king Mahabali cannot thus be insulted. On the evening of the last day the clay image of Vishnu is placed on an ornamental plank made of jack-wood and with much tamasha, in which the young and the old freely join, is taken to a river, tank or some unfrequented place, and thrown away. From time immemorial the Onam seems to have been celebrated in the same festive way in Malabar.