Page:Hindu Feasts Fasts and Ceremonies.djvu/150

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the Emperor, begged for his life. This Sudra was Kali himself. Parikshit was a true hero and a genuine sprout of the Pandava family. His motto was, never kill a fallen enemy. So he spared Kali’s life on condition that he left his dominions at once. But Kali begged for some place to live in. He was asked by the Emperor to find his abode in gambling houses, in taverns, in women of unchaste lives, in slaughtering places and in gold. And Kali agreed to do so. So, as long as Parikshit reigned over the Bharata (India) Kali confined himself only to these five places; but after the reign of that just Emperor, Kali made his way to other places like wild fire and established his power throughout the length and breadth of the whole world. This, in short, is the legend of the setting in of the Kaliyuga.

In India when a young boy or girl happens to break, in eating or dress, the orthodox rules of caste, his or her parents will say: ‘O! It is all the result of the Kaliyuga.” If a Hindu becomes a convert to any other religion, or if any atrocious act is committed the Hindu will observe: ‘‘O! It is the ripening of Kali.” Every deviation from the established custom.