Page:Hindu Feasts Fasts and Ceremonies.djvu/156

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the Kaliyuga and with the disappearance of these noble rivers everything will disappear from the world with the exception of two places—Benares and Brindavan (Muttra). The original in Sanskrit stands thus:—

Kalau pancha-sahasram cha
Varsham sthitva cha Bharate |
Jagmus-tas-cha sarit rupam
Vihaya Sri-Hareh padam || (1)
Yani sarvani tirthani
Kasi Brindavanam vina |
Yasyanti sarvam tabhih cha.
Vaikuntham ajnaya Hareh || (2)

(1) They—the goddesses Sarasvati, Ganga and Lakshmi, after having stayed in this world for 5,000 years of the Kaliyuga in the shape of rivers, gave up their transformed shapes and went to the abode of Vishnu (heaven).

(2) All other holy things, too, with the exception of Kasi (Benares) and Brindavan (Muttra) accompanied them to the abode of Hari by the order of Hari.

The statement contained in the above two verses is believed to be the highest authority for the impending doom in the year named. Except Benares and Brindavan, everything holy will disappear from the world. The year