Page:Hindu Feasts Fasts and Ceremonies.djvu/160

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any month will lead to the destruction of all countries; the combination of six planets, to the destruction of all Kings; that of seven, to the destruction of all worlds, and if eight planets combine the universe will be rendered destitute of men. Bhishma the just and the greatest warrior of the world fell in the wars of the Mahabharata in the month of Magrasira (December) on the new moon day—Amavasa—when seven planets combined in a single mansion of the Zodiac of that month. But for that combination such a mighty warrior would never have fallen. This is the belief of the Hindus. The year 1896 A.D., is, as we have stated already, 4998 of the Kaliyuga corresponding to the year Durmukhi of the Brihaspati cycle of 60 years. Five thousand Kaliyuga will be 1899 A>D. and the year Vikari of the Brihaspati cycle. According to the astronomical calculations of the Hindus, eight planets meet in the mansion of Scorpio (Vrichchhika) of the Zodiac of the month of Krittika, corresponding to the last week of November, 1899, at the 23rd Ghatika i.e. 2-6 A.M. on the 13th lunar day (trayodasi) of the dark half of that month. Between that time