Page:Hindu Feasts Fasts and Ceremonies.djvu/164

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Ashtami.—The eighth day of a fortnight.

Bhagavad Gita or the Song-Celestial is a dialogue between the hero Arjuna and Krishna who had incarnated upon earth to restore righteousness. It forms Chaps. 25—42 of the Bhishmaparva of the Mahabharata and therein are set forth the path of action, the path of devotion, and the path of knowledge, all leading towards one goal, in a manner which is pre-eminently useful to the man of the world engaged in the busiest affairs of life, as to the recluse in the forest.

Bachkanas.—Cloths worn by young children.

Bhavishyottara-purana.—The title of a book— the sacred book which describes the events which are to occur in the future.

Dhoties.—Cloths worn by males.

Dvaraka.—A sacred place in the extreme western projection of the peninsula of Kathiawar, about seven hundred miles to the south-west of Mathura (Muttra) Krishna is Dvarakavasin, one who resides in Dvaraka. It is said that Krishna got the god Visvakarman to build Dvaraka for him on land which the sea bared