Page:Hindu Feasts Fasts and Ceremonies.djvu/34

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4. The Bhogi and the Pongal

THE Tamil month of Margali (Sans. Mrigasira), corresponding mostly with December and running on to the 11th January, is considered by the Hindus to be a most unhealthy month. It is the month in which all kinds of epidemics—cholera, fever and small-pox are supposed to occur. Accordingly, the last day of this Tamil month is observed as a festive day by the Hindus in Southern India in thank. fulness to the higher powers that the worst month has ended. The feast is called the Bhogi-Pandigai or feast in honour of Indra, the king of heavens, the lord of the clouds, rain, seasons and everything that is the source of happiness and plenty. The word Bhoga comes from the Sanskrit root Bhuj, to enjoy. So Bhogi-Pandigai is a feast of enjoyment on account of deliverance from the calamitous month of Mrigasira.

Pongal or Sankramana or Sankranti is a festival which is observed on the first day