Page:Hindu Feasts Fasts and Ceremonies.djvu/79

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the upper and the other to the nether world. They are said to have gone on and onand on for several Yugas (eras) with no avail. While Brahma was travelling up he observed a Ketaki (Tamil: Talambu) flower, the sweet scented flower of the screwpine, travelling down towards the earth. It is stated that Brahma stopped the flower and asked him to relate his history. "O, I was on the head of Siva several centuries ago. I left it and am going down to the earth. O, what a long travel I have had! How far is the earth yet from this place? And who are you, please, and what is your object in travelling up," said the flower. Brahma:—"I am Brahma, and was asked by Siva to discover the top of his head. I left the earth several Yugas ago. If what you say is true, I have not done half the way yet. But will you mind doing me a small favour? Vishnu and I were asked by Siva to discover his head and foot, respectively. I shall say that I saw the head, and cite you as my witness. You must confirm me as you say that you occupied once that part of Siva’s body" "Agreed,” said the screwpine flower, for, as he had along journey to perform to reach