Page:Hindu Feasts Fasts and Ceremonies.djvu/93

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of the Ganges had carried the pair to the Mahamakham tank at Kumbakonam. The royal pair had travelled the long distance in the twinkling of an eye. With difficulty they explained themselves to the people at Kumbakonam and found out the real state of affairs. The king’s desire has already been fulfilled; for he had a boy. Such is the story and it is very interesting as it is proof positive to the pious devotee that subterranean communication between the Ganges and the Mahamakham tank exists even to-day.

The sacredness of grand rivers generally is a strong Hindu belief and the special sanctity attributed to certain waters on an occasion occurring only once. in twelve years is equally a strong Hindu belief. Pushkaram is the Mahamakham of the Telugus, and occurs only once in twelve years, when the freshes of the Godavari rise toa very high level. Bathing on the Pushkaram day at certain chosen spots on the banks of the Godavari is considered as sacred by the Telugus as the Mahamakham bath is by all Hindus.