Page:Hindu Feasts Fasts and Ceremonies.djvu/98

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giving as much as inquiry has hitherto been able to ascertain of information oa this subject. Whether these caves accommodated the gods at the time of Mahabali or not, it cannot be denied that they now accommodate the pilgrim-sojourners of Mahabalipuram. Thousands and thousands of people find their home now in these Pallava caves. This village is very small and house accommodation is very scanty, the number of ruined houses and those now in occupation being not more than eighty. And where could the fifteen thousand pilgrims find their home for a day now but in these caves? The whole place is full of people, the major portion being Vaishnavas, by which sect this place is held specially sacred. The bath and sight-seeing of the relics are generally over by about 10 in the morning and the pilgrims return home for breakfast. Fortunately a good supply of provisions is kept ready by the merchants. But the supply of pure water is not sufficient, and this difficulty is not felt as the sojourners are all to return to their respective homes by the evening. Visitors from Madras generally go down to Mahabalipuram by the Canal and return by the land route via Tirukkalukkunram