But sweet employment is the boon of heaven
That lightens sorrow with its healthful leaven;
Labor brings no dishonor, but the praise
Of God and man; 'tis sloth incurs disgrace.
Even your example makes the idler feel
The glow of shame, when he beholds your zeal.
But be not eager to acquire too much,
Or Modesty will flee your filthy touch.
She loathes the man who pays no just regard
To what is right; let scorn be his reward.
'Tis true, she might our noblest hopes depress,
But proper confidence insures success.
Get all by honest means, would you secure
Wealth and respect that will through life endure.
Who seeks to heap his store by force or fraud
Shall lose it all: though half the world applaud
His ill-gained wealth, there's an all-seeing Eye
That closely scans his actions from on high;
And Retribution soon or late shall sweep
Himself and treasures to oblivion's deep.
He who would spurn a suppliant from his door;
Or wrong defenceless orphans; rob the poor;
Or drive his child from its paternal hearth,
A wanderer and outcast on the earth;
Or with incest defile his neighbor's bed;
Or heap reproaches on his parent's head,
When silvered over with the frosts of age,
Shall feel, himself, the breath of heaven's rage.
Preserve thy soul from these ensnaring sins;
Holiness alone the favor of heaven wins.
Ere thou retir'st to slumber kneel and pray,
Returning thanks for blessings of the day.