With sparkling waters mix the Byblian wine,—
'Twill make a drink that's perfectly divine.
But when Orion first appears, begin
To cut the harvest and to gather in.
And let no lazy hanger-on prevent
Your time from being profitably spent.
Perform your labor, and perform it well,
Then give your men and mules a resting spell.
When Sirius climbs just half-way through the skies,
And rosy-fingered Morn, with saffron dyes,
Illumes the path Arcturus loves to tread,
Bring in the grapes, and don't forget to spread
Them in the sun for drying, say ten days.
Through the next five relieve them from his rays.
Upon the sixth day get in readiness
The hampers wide and take them to the press.
But when the Pleiads, Hyads, and Orion strong
Through the whole skies have made their journey long,
See that your plowing teams are set in train,
The plowing season then has come again.
Should you attempt the waves to venture o'er,
To take your produce to some distant shore,
Come back in season, or the Pleiades
May set, and you be caught in stormy seas.
For then the winds, in an impetuous band,
Fly o'er the earth, disturbing sea and land.
Haul up the keel on some dry, sandy spot,
Pull out the plug, or rains will cause the rot.
Stow safely rigging, rudders, sails at home,
They'll serve your turn when other seasons come.