Page:Historia Verdadera del Mexico profundo.djvu/103

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The philosophy is the basis of any civilization. The society fundamental structure is located in a complex explanation, which gives meaning and sense to life and the world. In the case of the Anahuac civilization, it is the point with the most colonizer intolerance and blindness, from yesterday and today. There are few contemporary authors that raise the existence of a deep and complex system of ideas of the world and life, to fully explain the existence of human beings, the link with nature, the cosmos and its material creations, and fundamentally, the way to find the spiritual existence significance from consciousness. Carlos Lenkersdorf is one of those few scholars who have gone humbly to learn from the anahuacas people, in this case from the tojolablaes:

"The language, therefore, takes the place of the speech or philosophical treatise. We must deepen in the language, just as we go deeper into a treatise. The explanation has to follow a narrow, winding, sometimes barely visible or at times broken paths to discover a culture philosophize, of a non-western thought and actions. We call it PHILOSOPHIZE, because Greece was not the cradle of all kinds of philosophy, nor the source of universal culture. The Greek philosophies, which in different ways has formed the Western philosophize, has to recognize that there are many ways to be a "friend of wisdom", that translates in tojolabal as "already have a heart" (´ayxa sk´ujol). It is a philosophical hunch, perhaps rather cordial, and not so intellectualized, without rejecting thought." (Lenkersdorf. 2005 p.28)

Nowadays, Dr. Carlos Lenkersdorf teaches Toltecáyotl to young people at the UNAM, the "tojolabal way" in the 21st century and like him, some other people are fighting against the intellectual colonization that denies the Anahuac civilization, the possibility of having our own philosophy. However, the “feel, see and hear the world” style which developed during seven and half millennia in the Cem Anahuac has not, even remotely disappeared. It is still alive and manifests itself in many attitudes and feelings of the now so-called