Page:Historia Verdadera del Mexico profundo.djvu/123

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One of the main concerns and information source of the ancient grandparents was time. Few people in the world have recorded time as the ancient Mexican sages. There has been much speculation about the ability of ancient Anahuac sages, not only of measuring time with an extraordinary, but of the possibility that they could forecast the future. Indeed, some of the ancient prophecies known have rigorously occurred.


The philosophical perception of space is achieved by the ancient grandparents with an admirable accuracy. There were three spatial levels: earth or human (Tlatipac) everything on earth’s surface. The heavenly or divine entities (Ilhuícatl) from the clouds through infinity and the underworld or the place of the emaciated (Mictlán) which is all under earth.

The terrestrial space had an energy center which was "the navel of Earth". In the Nahuatl language, the prefix "co" is more than a geographical center, is a representation of the Energy Center. The central point beginning of the four directions of existence. Each point to the four cardinal points and sets its convergence point at the center of the world. Each will have its own color and it will be represented by a symbolical animal or object, in a totally philosophical reference. At the center resided the old God or fire God, called Huehueteotl-Xiuhtecuhtli and from where the four directions of the universe started, its color was green: to the east, place where the Sun rises, was identified by the red color and its glyph "Reed" governed by Xipe-Tópec; It was the male part of the universe. The West, white and with a "House" glyph, ruled by Quetzalcoatl; It was the female region known as Cihuatlampa. The north, colored black, whose glyph was the "knife of sacrifice", was governed by the black Tezcatlipoca; it was the region of cold and dead. The South, which was blue and the glyph "rabbit", ruled by Tezcatlipoca blue, place of sacrifice known as Huitztlampa; it was a region related to the humid.