Page:Historia Verdadera del Mexico profundo.djvu/154

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human perfection. Each period was called Sun and it was known that the current period was the Fifth Sun called “Sun movement". That it would end after a 52 year cycle or “bundle of years”, the sun would not rise the next day. It would be the sign of the beginning of the end of the Fifth Sun.

Then began an obscurantism and anxiety era among the Anahuac peoples. The Toltec masters had inexplicably suddenly left and peoples remained orphan. Over the years, first the leaders and then the priests began to use religion, social organization and the teachings of the respectable teachers for personal benefit, represented by the symbolic figure of Quetzalcoatl.

Nothing new in mankind history. When common human beings, take the teachings of the masters or spiritual guides for their personal interests. Moral, ethical and religious standards began to change and adjust to their expansionist interests and for personal power of the leaders and priests. Wars and human sacrifices ensued, that were completely forbidden by the Quetzalcoatl doctrine and gave the Anahuac peoples total peace.

The seven and a half thousand years of anahuaca history that conform the ancient Mexico, place it as one of the six "Mother" most ancient civilizations and with autonomous origin in the world. It can be said that the Preclassical or Formative period is a very long time and very important, as it is then that the anahuaca civilization foundations are built. The classical period, bears the fruit of the long journey of this incredible effort made by our ancestors to reach, perhaps, to culminate the brightest aspirations of the human spirit. Be it as it may, the Toltec knowledge and advancements in human development, allowed life for centuries for the Cem Anahuac peoples, a golden age. However, the mysterious collapse that provoked the sudden disappearance –thus far unexplained- of the venerable Toltec masters, triggered the third period called Postclassical. It represents an orphanage and decline of the Anahuac peoples, without their masters, began distorting the Toltecáyotl generating precepts, until the