Page:Historia Verdadera del Mexico profundo.djvu/217

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The Anahuac Civilization, one of the six oldest civilizations of mankind and with autonomous origin, was apparently condemned to disappear. The following text gives us an idea of what happened:

"Ixtlilxuchil [Cortés Texcocan ally] later went to his mother Yacotzin and told her what had happened [the mexica defeat] and that he was there to take her to be baptized, she replied that he should be out of his mind, because so soon they had allowed defeat by a few barbarians, as were the christians, to what don Hernando [Ixtlilxuchil] replied that if she was not his mother who answered, he would remove her head from the shoulders, but that he would do it even if not wanting, that what mattered was the life of the soul [Christ-Quetzalcoatl]; to which she tenderly responded to let her be for the time, that another day she would look at it and would see what to do; and he left Palace and ordered to set fire to the rooms where she was while others say that, because he found her in a temple of idols. Finally she came out saying she wanted to be a christian and took her to Cortés and with a large group attending she was baptized and Cortes was her godfather and named her doña Maria for being the first female christian." (Ramírez Codex)

The conquest of Mexico did not end on August 13, 1521, with the fall of Tenochtitlan. The invaded peoples maintained a permanent resistance, from the Mixtón (1541).[1] Caxcanes[2] insurrection until the EZLN[3] in 1994. Sometimes intermittent,

  1. The Mixtón War was fought from 1540 until 1542 between Spanish invaders and their Aztec and Tlaxcalan allies against the Caxcanes and other semi-nomadic Indians of the area of north western Mexico. The war was named after Mixtón, a hill in the southern part of Zacatecas state in Mexico which served as an Indian stronghold.
  2. The Caxcan. Although other indigenous groups also fought against the Spanish in the Mixton War, the Caxcanes were the “heart and soul” of the resistance.
  3. The Zapatista Army of National Liberation (Ejército Zapatista de Liberación Nacional, EZLN) is a revolutionary leftist group based in Chiapas, the southernmost state of Mexico. Since 1994, the group has been in a declared war "against the Mexican state," though this war has been primarily nonviolent and defensive against military, paramilitary, and corporate incursions into Chiapas. Their social base is mostly rural indigenous people but they have some supporters in urban areas as well as an international web of support. Their main spokesperson is Subcomandante Marcos (currently a.k.a. Delegate Zero in relation to "the Other Campaign"). Unlike other Zapatista spokespeople, Marcos is not an indigenous Mayan.