Page:Historia Verdadera del Mexico profundo.djvu/80

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This suggests that religion origin comes from a very old, profound and shared philosophical conception.

Religious divinity symbols.

To close this chapter, will enumerate the Anahuac best known religious symbols. Understanding that these are not "gods" as in the Judean-Christian concept, but various avocations of the same unmentionable, impalpable and invisible reality. These multiple representations of referring to the various ways of perceiving the immeasurable, at times would seem to repeat or have great similarities. This assessment is correct, because these are abstract symbols that speak of universal truths seeking to be re-thought or conceptualized for popular use.

When we deal with the Anahuac multiple supreme divinity avocations, the precise period we are referring to must be clarified: formative, splendor or decadent. And at what level: if the philosophical investigated by knowledgeable individuals; the religious handled by the priesthood hierarchy or; the popular, worshiped by macehuales or commoners. And finally, of what culture, given that although all avocations had a single source, in every culture had a different name —even if the meaning was similar— and had different iconography, according to each cultural style. But must point out that all shared certain common features. For example, in the case of Tlaloc and its avocations in all cultures. The graphical representation always had goggles, fangs, and a bifid tongue.

The exception to the rule is embodied by Huitzilopochtli, divinity representation unique to the Aztecs. Indeed, when they reached the Anahuac Valley in the 12th century, they brought it from the north, as their spiritual guide. Later, when the Aztecs are cultured with Toltec wisdom remaining from the classical period, they added their "tribal God" to the ancestral Anahuac Pantheon and embed it as one of the four sons of the divine couple. This happened during the philosophical—religious reforms made by Tlacaelel 81 years before the invaders arrival.