Page:Historia Verdadera del Mexico profundo.djvu/9

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There is a contaminated, confusing and complex cloud that prevents us from knowing the history of our ancient past. Among existing problems in this regard we can, at least, mention the following:

1. The 5 century old cultural colonialism, which condemned the vanquished peoples to lose their historic memory, in order to completely and permanently dominate them. From 1521 onward those who have held power during this time period, whether conquerors, colonizers or creoles, have developed a complex and efficient system so that the children of the children of the invaded—defeated, lose contact with their ancient origins and link their past to the arrival of the dominant culture. The dominant culture titled the 7,500 years of human development prior to the invasion "Pre-Hispanic history". That is, our Old Grandfathers were divested of their name and are now called "before the Spaniards". Because of the colonization processes we now do not know how they called themselves, or how they called this land.

2. Little is known of the first two periods (Pre-classic and Classic), because when the late Classic or pinnacle period ended, the knowledge centers and those who inhabited them, mysteriously disappeared without a trace and left no tangible evidence of their passing, for they destroyed and buried, not only their impressive buildings, but basically the wisdom and knowledge that allowed their apex.

3. The Aztecs in their expansion period, ordered the destruction of all important codices, where the ancient Cem Anahuac[1] historical memory was kept, and they re-wrote history, wherein they appear as the chosen people; in spite of the fact that, since the founding of México-Tenochtitlan (1325), until the arrival of the invaders (1519), only 194 years had elapsed since the Post-classic which is already considered to be a decadent phase of

  1. Cem Ānáhuac is a Náhuatl language concept that refers to the continent. Land surrounded by the celestial waters.