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- Pike's, 10, 163.
- Pilot Knob (Kentucky), Blue Grass region seen by Gist from, 6, 75.
- Pinckney, General, Washington's opinion of, 8, 174.
- "Pioneer Coach Line," 10, 125.
- Pioneers: character of Kentucky, 5, 34–36; Roosevelt excuses brutality of, 36; types of, 36–38; kindness of, 56–57; rough life of, 9, 66; instance of unkindness of, 12, 66–69.
- Pirates on Ohio River, 9, 187–188.
- Piroque, see Canoe.
- Pitt, William: dismissed, 5, 69; recalled, 70; motto given to England by (1758), 72; letter (July 10) of Forbes to, 92–93.
- Pittsburg: Washington first notes strategic site of, 3, 99; early development, 205; early Indian village at, 5, 21; General Forbes names, 158; site not mentioned by Céloron, 9, 39; early conditions at, 67; early shipbuilding at, 134; Brighthelmstein compared with, 12, 87; Ballman's description of (1796), 87–88; see Fort Duquesne.
- Pittsburg Business Directory for the year 1837, cited, 9, 107.
- Plates, Céloron's leaden, 9, 27.
- Platt, General, efforts for Erie Canal, 14, 51, 60, 110–111.