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tories of, 98, 114; offers prize for best locomotive, 132; completion of, 132–135; banquet at Wheeling on completion of, 134–135; History and Description of, quoted, 5, 203.
- Baltimore and Ohio Southwestern, parallels Vincennes Trace at Lawrenceville, Illinois, 8, 63.
- Erie: highway travel affected by, 12, 159; opening of, 162–163.
- Pennsylvania: Old Glade Road succeeded by, 5, 205; Lancaster Turnpike purchased by, 11, 92–94; incorporated, 13, 213; contracts let for, 213; completed across Alleghenies, 214; purchased Pennsylvania Canal, 215; abandons Allegheny Portage Railway, 215; abandons Pennsylvania Canal, 215.
- West Virginia Central, attempts to buy Chesapeake and Ohio Canal, 13, 164.
- Ramsay's, 12, 48.
- Ranck, History of Louisville, Kentucky, 1, 125.
- Randolph, Beverly, appointed to treat with Indians, 8, 184.
- Rankin's, 10, 160.
- Ransom's, 12, 141.
- Rate of fare, Baltimore to Philadelphia and New York (1796), 11, 112–114.