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- Revolution: the West at opening of, 6, 145–148; Kentucky in, 145–174.
- Reyburn's, 5, 186.
- Reynold's, 4, 195.
- Reynolds, 14, 142.
- Reynolds, Cornelius, 12, 31.
- Reynolds, Governor, description of Kaskaskia Trace, 8, 20.
- Reynolds, Reuben: acts as spy, 8, 170; experiences of, 182–183.
- Rhea, Narrative, cited, 2, 103.
- Rhoads, S., Benjamin Franklin writes on American canals to, 13, 25–26.
- Rhode's, 10, 160.
- Rhor, guide in Forbes's army, 5, 109.
- Rice, David, 6, 202.
- Richardson, Judge, as first contractor on Erie Canal breaks the ground at Rome, New York, 14, 116.
- Richardson: Messages and Papers of the Presidents, quoted, 10, 58–60; 11, 167–170.
- Richmond (Indiana), early taverns at, 10, 164.
- Richview (Illinois), Clark's route near, 8, 45.
- Rider, Arthur, vaneman, 10, 29.
- Ringland's, 10, 160.
- Rinker's, Gaspar, 4, 195.
- Ripley, T. M., 14, 12.