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ROADS: Zane's Trace (continued)—
162; ferriage on, 164; mail route established on, 164; Maysville turnpike veto affects, 165–174.
- Road working days, pioneer, described, 11, 101–102; verses on, 104.
- Roberts, Nathan S., estimates cost of Chesapeake and Ohio Canal, 13, 88; report on Erie Canal, 14, 191.
- Robertson, Chief-justice, immigration to Kentucky described by, 6, 195–197.
- Robinson, John, 6, 200.
- Robinson, Moncure, in charge of Allegheny Portage Railway, 13, 196.
- Robinson's, Major, 12, 46.
- Roche de Bout: Indian convention at, 8, 189; United States Commissioners not allowed to approach, 189; spy reports proceedings at Indian convention at, 190–192.
- Rochester, inaugural ceremonies of Erie Canal at, 14, 141–142.
- Rochester, John, 6, 202.
- Rock Creek, Braddock's troops at, 4, 76, 78.
- Rockford, Ohio, Fort Adams erected near, 8, 207.
- Rogers, Capt. John, commands "The Willing," 8, 33.