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- Stewart's Crossing, Braddock's Road at 4, 175.
- Stewartsville (Pennsylvania), Braddock's Road near, 4, 189.
- Stimson, Rodney Metcalf, 1, 34.
- Stitcher's, Herman, 12, 51.
- St. Louis, tax of poor roads on inhabitants of, 15, 49–50.
- Stockton and Stokes's horse-car races with Cooper's "Tom Thumb," 13, 130.
- Stockton, Lucius W., owner of the Stockton Line, 10, 124.
- Stoddard, Colonel, 7, 119.
- Stoddard's, 10, 159.
- Stone, Gen. Roy, portrait of, 15, frontispiece.
- Stone, Miss Elizabeth, 7, 154.
- Stone, W. L., Narrative of the Festivities observed in honor of the completion of the Grand Erie Canal, cited, 14, 137.
- Stone Tavern, 10, 160.
- Strong, A., in Erie Canal celebration, 14, 142.
- Strong, E. B., in Erie Canal celebration, 14, 142.
- Stone-house Tavern, 6, 121.
- Stone-mill, 6, 131.
- Stoner, Michael, Richard Henderson assisted by, 6, 106.
- Storms, early travelers annoyed by, 6, 68.