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- Trotter, James, 6, 198.
- Trotter, Lieutenant Colonel, in Harmar's campaign, 8, 87, 101–102.
- Troutman, Peter, 6, 199.
- Trowbridge's, 12, 121.
- Troy (Ohio), Harmar camps near, 8, 97.
- Trubley, Lieutenant Colonel, in Harmar's campaign, 8, 88.
- Trueman, Capt. Alexander: messenger to Indians, 8, 170; murdered, 171; found by May, 182.
- Tumblestone's, see Tomlinson's.
- Tunnel: first American planned by Schriver, 13, 68; early English, 68; view of first, 201.
- "Turkey Foot" (Confluence, Pennsylvania), strategic position of, 3, 134.
- Turner, John, 12, 72.
- Turner, Professor Frederick J.: Indian Trade of Wisconsin, cited, 7, 185; rights of first settlers north of the Ohio discussed by, 9, 58.
- Turpin, Sur la Guerre, cited by General Forbes, 5, 80.
- Turtle Creek: arrival of Braddock at, 4, 117; fortification at, 5, 186.
- Twelve Mile Prairie, Vincennes Trace in, 8, 52.
- Tyler, John, nominated for vice-president, 14, 170.
- Tyler's, 12, 128.