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- Barber, Daniel, 6, 202.
- Barber, Thos., 6, 202.
- Barbourville (Kentucky), 6, 63.
- Bargemen, western, described, 9, 161–163.
- Baringer's, Widow, 4, 76, 87.
- Barker, James, 12, 145.
- Barnes's, 10, 156.
- Barney, Lieut. Joshua, locates Baltimore and Ohio Railway line, 13, 109, 110.
- Barringer, President, on influence of good roads on land values, 15, 44–45.
- Batavia (New York) in 1805, 12, 138–141.
- Batavia Woods (New York), bad reputation of, 12, 141.
- Bay, Major, in Harmar's campaign, 8, 87.
- Bayard, William, 14, 60, 178.
- Bayle's, 10, 164.
- Bay Path, see Old Connecticut Trail.
- Bay Path, by J. G. Holland, cited, 2, 75.
- Beach, E. S., in Erie Canal celebration, 14, 142.
- Beach, R., in Erie Canal celebration, 14, 142.
- Beale's, 12, 117.
- Bean, Dr., accompanies Francis Baily in Ohio, 11, 145.
- Bean's, Letty, 11, 142.
- Beaujeu, M. de: plans to delay Braddock, 4, 121; in Braddock's Defeat, 122–126.