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Washington (continued)—
trade route by uniting the Great Lakes, Ohio and Potomac, 13, 35–52; scheme of communication "from Detroit to Alexandria," 42–43; "avoiding Pennsylvania," 43–44; Detroit to Richmond, 44–45; Detroit to Philadelphia, 45–46; Detroit to Albany, 47; Detroit to Montreal, 48; appointed on Virginia delegation concerning Potomac improvement, 50; confidence in value of Potomac Company stock, 54; to Richard Henry Lee, on Potomac improvement, 54; resigned presidency of Potomac Company to take presidency of United States, 62; plan of communications followed by later surveyors, 67.
- Washington Hall, 10, 164.
- Washington (Pennsylvania): Pennsylvania compels government to lay Cumberland Road through, 10, 54; early taverns in, 155.
- Washington Star, cited, 4, 78.
- Watauga: pioneer settlement of, 6, 30; Boone negotiates treaty of, 92.
- Waterfall, annual on American roads, 15, 97.
- Watersheds: early roads on, 1, 66; archæological remains on, 69, et seq.; as sites of first habitation, 10, 171–172.
- Watertown (Pennsylvania), see Fort Le Bœuf.